Now it's a big blog coming up tomorrow but I just had to tell you about the pump man's visit. We decided we would have the submersible pump, which would remove the horrid little pump house from the middle of the parking area and hopefully be more efficient than the old surface pump. Sean Minogue (Kyle's Dad), also said he would fit an outside tap on the top barn wall and put all the pump 'extras' inside the barn out of the way. As a bonus he said he would put a couple of sockets in the barn and lighting, as we don't have any in there at the moment. All good stuff.
So along he came on Wednesday. The first job was to remove the old water pipes from the well. 'Can you give me a hand Gina' says he. So we pull. Ha ha, not a thing happened. I said I thought he'd need a stronger person than I am so I went and fetched Jim. Pull. Nothing. He thought maybe something was wedged down the well, which is only lined for the first few feet, after that it's rough rock, so a rock could have become dislodged and wedged the pipes. Both the builders appeared and much scratching of heads ensued.
Right, next idea was to tie the pipes to a rope and attach it to the back of Sean's jeep and use that to pull them out. Jim drove, Sean and I tried to guide the pipes, which just bent. Not good. The first pump house wall, which we were using to brace the rope, fell down! Much swearing from Sean. 'Give it another go' he says to Jim. Jim drives off slowly and the two brass fittings at the top of the pipes fly off leaving bare raggy ends. Much swearing from Sean.

Sean mutters 'If we can't get the pipes out, we're focked' (please excuse the language). He mutters this many many times! Plus 'if the pipes snap, we're focked' and other slight variations. We all kept rather quiet, realising the seriousness of the situation. Either of those disasters would mean drilling a new well. Many thousands of euros. No water for us for some time. Not good.
So Sean drives the jeep down to the other side of the remaining wall, ties the rope and Jim has another go at driving it.
The second wall falls down. 'We're focked' says Sean.

That's when wall number two fell down.
Sean decides he needs a piece of equipment that is at his house in Ennis, half an hour's drive away. (Why didn't he bring it?) Jim volunteers to go and fetch it so that Sean can get on with doing the other things he needs to do. We're all thinking that if the pipes don't come up or break, this work will be a waste of time, but nobody says a word. Off Jim goes and returns with the wheel on a stand.

'If they don't come up with this, we're focked' says Sean for the umpteenth time.
The real problem was that I was driving, so unable to take a photo of the pipes coming up, should that happen. However, needs must and I used my great clutch control to edge forward, taking up the slack and praying that the pipes wouldn't break. Martin, Joe, Jim and Sean all held the 'wheel' to stop it from toppling over. Like the walls. I felt a jolt. Oh no. Oh yes, they have appeared! So up they came, unbroken. Sean sighed a huge sigh of relief and had a cigarette. We too were filled with relief.

Sean not only turning the air blue but making sparks fly. Note the lack of gloves.

'Sometimes when you stop you realise your shirt's on fire' was Sean's reply to my 'do you wear gloves at all?'

The shiny new submersible pump all wired up and ready to go down the well.

The ceremonial lowering of the new pump!
Sean was hoping to complete the whole job in one day but because of the earlier slight problems, he had to come back yesterday to do the lighting. It's marvellous to have lights and sockets in the top barn at last. Sean was duly paid and gave us ten euros back 'for luck'. He always does that with a new pump apparently.
So we have a silent pump instead of our old incredibly noisy one. The water is very brown so I daren't use the washing machine yet. I expect it will settle in a day or so. We are still being careful as the well is still pretty low in spite of all the rain we've been having. Best to top it up now then hopefully it'll be back to normal again.
Do call tomorrow if you can. It's the big blog post on Seth Apter's Disintegration Project and I'll have lots of photos of the item I have made from my original bundle.
Oh dear, what an ordeal. We're familiar with just these same kinds of things at WM. We had to drill a new well after the first week of living here. Oy.
Glad to hear things turned out okay!
What a production. I know how relieved you will be with a pump you don't have to worry about going out. Believe it or not at my In-laws today their pump went out. They had to have a new one installed due to iron corrosion. It is always something.
Hate to say it but sounds like a typical day here when things go wrong!
What a major upheaval! I admire you for taking photographs of it all.
I've been busy with family here and now they have all traveled back to their homes. I am getting caught up with your life. YAYAYAYAY a new pump. Life is good. Well, life was good but now it's a little better with water, right? lol
Thanks for the pictures, what fun to watch the process. If I had been there with you we could have made thoughtful comments. lolololsnort :)Bea
In Kenya we has a word for a day like that-TIA, This Is Africa! I'm glad it turned out well as then I could laugh! You described it all brilliantly!
Thanks Willow. Basically it's not too good a well I think! Hey ho!
What a coincidence Lisa.
You're so right Penny.
Thanks Valerie.
lol, Bea. We could have been really annoying, couldn't we?? ha ha!
Thanks Heckety, I tried to inject some humour! You have to laugh, don't you?
What a chore! I notice that Buster is in a lot of the pictures I guess to supervise the workers!
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