It's rained most of today on and off. It's also dropped a bit chilly this evening and I'm sitting here in my hoody as it's warm. One flash of lightening turned off the electricity for a moment too.
The builders have been today and have put all the window sills on and covered them up ready for plastering the sun room. We had a big discussion about our gutters. There is some sort of problem with the line of the roof and guttering! I don't understand it but they keep putting it off.
Garden Work
I did get out into the garden at teatime. The sky cleared and it seemed quite mild. I had made a small rockery by our gate as the wall there had fallen down. This was last year. That section of garden from then on is very weedy and overgrown and the grass at the edge encroaches on the parking area. I decided to dig out the grass as necessary and make an edging to the bed with stone. This is how far I have got:

Please click on the photo to enlarge it. I am mattocking out the grass and putting the stone edge along until I get to Jim's car, on the left of the photo. It's much neater and tidier and I'll be able to plant some rockery plants at the front, to hang over the stones. I've already planted a golden marjorum which had seeded itself in the parking area, a dangerous choice. The photo is a bit dull, as the weather was!
I found 2 new poppies in flower today, they are beautiful:

I do hope they spread lots of seeds. We also have some of the red 'common' poppies out, but the rain squished the flowers that were out.
The sweet peas are continuing to flower:

We'll be making up the blackcurrant jelly tomorrow so watch out for that. If there's a break in the rain I have to dead head the roses and weed that rockery. Plus lots of other jobs. I have to make my 'J' for the ABC of ATCs. Any suggestions anyone??
Beautiful flowers ... it is a wee damp over there, isn't it ... but look at the exquisite green colors you get from it all. TTFN ~Marydon
Oh just a wee bit damp Marydon!! I never wear anything but wellies! But you're right, it's really lush green.
Jolly, jumping,jamborie, jugheads, jesting, yerrily.
Ok, the last is made up. lololsnort
LOVE LOVE LOVE that orange marigold.
Good job on the rock edging, that's heavy work. Looks great though. :)Bea
Hello, Guess what? We finally got some rain also! We have been so very hot and dry but this little bit of rain has made everything look better. I love your gate area. How very pretty the plants will be tumbling over the rocks. Best of luck with the jelly making. Give Buster a smooch from Harriet!
Beautiful flowers BT! i wish you gave us your rain. We have not had any rain and the plants and grass are dying.
The orange of those marigolds is just stunning!! (Especially against the dark green of the leaves)
Beautiful pictures as always
C x
I did enjoy that 'snifter' of a sweet pea - the last lot I tried sowing, ended up as a slugfest!
I love the poppies!
Jelly (Blackcurrant). Jewels, Jade.
Well it has been raining a little bit here too, and I am very happy about it.
Your flowers are beautiful!Isn't that the way it is though, more gardens, more weeding,dead heading the blossoms, canning the produce...busy time, but we must enjoy it for we do it every year!
Hi love, just to let you know that my goodies arrived safe and well. Thanks you so much. I will be away from the bloggy land for while so take care!
Finally had a chance to catch up on you! Glad Galway was good, I don't like the roundabouts either, and last time we got so lost in the city we came to the end of a street and there was a whopping great ship sitting in it...we'd found the harbour! Gave us a fright! Nice shoes! Funky bag, hope Bea liked it! Definately going to dye my yucky grey towels now I've seen yours- thank you for that! Your garden is lovely as ever, and those poppies! I've not seen any like that before, quite stunning. Its illegal to grow poppies in Kenya, even as flowers in the garden, so of course I've been collecting them ever since I returned, without much success!
Love those shaggy poppies and your rocky bit by the gate. More lovely flower pics too. It's cooler here today and I am taking advantage and washing down paintwork - what joy - but it'll look good when it's done. Don't work too hard - hope we get our summer back soon but without the humidity.
Thanks B, what wonderful alliteration!
Hi Mildred, oh lovely rain, I'm so glad for you. Just about to do the jelly now.
Oh Ces, it's miserable without rain, I know. I do hope you get some soon.
Oh Jinksy, the slugs can be a real pain, we do use pellets or nothing would grow.
The marigolds are beautiful aren't they Carol? I love them.
I'm surprised nobody else has mentioned the poppies Rachel. They're gorgeous.
And Jason.....
You are right KathyB, it is busy and it's so wet we need some dry to pick more blackcurrants or we'll get soaked!
Are you taking a break Flower? I don't blame you at all. Have a good one.
Heckety, wondered where you've been! Galway is a lovely place but you do need to get to know it. Those roundabouts are a nightmare, we are beginning to learn the names of them now!! I do like the centre though. Good think you put the breaks on in the harbour. LOL. They dye worked really well, the towels are much darker than in the photo. It is quite expensive though, but better than buying new towels. Go for it. We had no idea we had grown those lovely poppies! They are stunning.
Heather, good to see you. Oh lovely poppies! Washing paintwork? That sounds a bit keen. I did wipe some cobwebs off my windows yesterday, does that count? lol. I want some more sun now too. I gather Weds and Thurs here are promised as good. Fingers crossed Heather.
What exquisite poppies and what a perfect rose on your sidebar. Sorry about the rain and thunder - we are getting it here too and it plays havoc with the roses.
Hello Weaver, my daughter's had a storm in Derbyshire today! The poppies are gorgeous I think. Another pink one's come out today. Oh that rose...
Oh I love the orange marigolds and I can just smell the sweet peas! How pretty.
Rain. Only a dream for us living in droughtland. Our water is being rationed and our grass is getting drier by the week. But my flowers will not suffer. I'll see to that!
The orange marigolds are so pretty and such a vibrant colour, aren't they Linda. I'll send you some of our rain, we have plenty to spare!!
Hello, BT! It is so nice to "meet" you, and your blog is absolutely lovely!
I appreciate your kind words and thoughts concerning my husband. We found out today that he must have a heart catherization. While yesterday, we learned he has to have a biopsy, another issue that has developed.
We are holding to faith and have peace. We know somehow God has all under control.
I am so excited to meet some Irish friends. I have always been fascinated by your beautiful country. For Christmas, a few years ago, my son and his sweet wife bought me a gorgeous picture book about Ireland. I cherish it much, and hope one day to visit and see the beauty in person.
Your blog is wonderful! How enchanting it must be to live the Irish Cottage life. Your gardens are so pretty! What a gift you have!
Take care, and blessings. I hope to talk more with you, and I hope you will visit me again.
P.S. I wonder about having tea in Ireland - the types of tea you like, etc. I love tea and make a pot a couple of times a week. If I don't make a pot, I use a sachet, but make sure I have a cup at least once a day. :)
Andrea, thank you so much for your visit. Ireland is indeed a wonderful country, especially when the sun shines. It does rain rather a lot though. I'm so glad you like my blog. I do hope your husband is able to have treatment for his condition and is sorted out. The medical world has improved so much over the past few years, especially where heart surgery is concerned. TEA. I have to have about 4 or 5 mugs of tea a day!! lol.
That jelly looks too yummy! I never learned to can. Actually, that's not true. I learned how to can, I just never did can! Oh well. Thanks for visiting my blog. Yours is lovely, and I hope to see one of your tea cups soon! :-)
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