In the afternoon I popped down to Hilary's to let her know we'd given her telephone number to eircom (the Irish phone company) as our phone hasn't been working for a few days. Neither had hers!! Apparently a tree had fallen on a line and we were all without a phone. As we spoke, her phone rang, so it was back on. I also took a bag of salt and vinegar crisps (a carrier bag full), as neither Jim nor I like them! Danny is like a hoover with food and will eat anything. As we were chatting, Cassie, Hilary's daughter, appeared and her hair was all coiffured and beautiful. It turned out that it was her prom night and she and a friend Noelle were being picked up by their 2 escorts in a limo at 6pm. Hilary invited me to come down and take some photos as 'my camera is better than hers.' Never one to miss an opportunity, I thought I'd make the effort to return at 5.50pm.
I did quite a bit of gardening, moving plants around and planting the 'bargains' Jim had rescued from B & Q yesterday. I also did some more staking as the wind had been strong and yet more plants were toppling. At 5.45 I went down the road as promised and Buster was there. I took him home as I was worried he'd jump up on the girls in all their finery. He wasn't pleased.
So I took some casual photos of the girls, then Hilary's son Tom appeared in a suit and said 'Mum says can you take some photos of me'!! Of course I obliged and he was a great model. Unfortunately it poured with rain at that point so the light wasn't wonderful.
The parents of the daughter arrived with a huge bunch of flowers for Hilary. Then at 6 the limo and the two very smart gentlemen appeared. They brought chocolates and a corsage for each girl. Oh so romantic. We didn't have prom nights in my day. Sad. I would have loved it.
Here are a few of the photos. I'll start with Tom:

The youngsters were getting agitated as they wanted to leave but Hilary wanted a photo of her and Cassie! It was hard as Cassie just kept saying 'we've got to go', but one of them turned out ok.

Hilary invited me in and the other parents and we had a very large glass of splendid red wine each. I asked Danny and Tom if they'd like a photo together and I got the 'never' from both of them. A bit of persuasion and one of the three I took wasn't too bad. Aren't boys funny?

An hour later I made the first move to go and the others left too. Having not eaten, I felt quite tipsy. I managed to do a bit more gardening all the same, then, after the photos I took below, it was time for a couple of sandwiches and computing until Jim returned at gone midnight.
An unexpected turn of events but fun all the same.
Wednesday Evening Sky
The rain had stopped and the sky was blazing red in one direction and black in the other. I took a few photos of course:

I also took a few with flash and I really like the results:

Today it was fine and windy. I filled the motorised barrow with our compost and spread it about hither and thither and planted more plants. I also did a bit to my 'wicker project'.
You're not going to believe this but Buster has a large hole in his side! Well, not enormous but big enough for the flies to be taking an interest yesterday. He was also due his one year booster inoculation so it was off to the vets again for the 5-6pm surgery. I had only driven a short way when the road was blocked by the Garda (police). An accident had occurred and I had to try another route to Gort. This entailed a very long journey and it was 5.30 before I arrived there, having left at 4.30! It's a half hour journey normally.
Buster was jabbed and didn't even notice. We have a super spray for the hole which forms a sort of antiseptic skin over the wound. Seems easy enough. I also collected a worming tablet and a flea treatment for him. Cost? Fifty Euro!! We'll have to take out a loan soon to pay the vet's bills. I made the vet laugh by saying 'and we don't even like them' (the animals). Oh, I also had him weighed and he was some 40kilos!! He is a little overweight, but not too much, so we have to cut down on his food a bit. The trouble is, he scours the countryside for food of any sort so it might be difficult.
I took the risk that the road would be open on the return journey. Nearing Killanena (where we turn to go down to our cottage) and there was the Garda again. Still, I was diverted over the other side of the lake via Flagmount, so it wasn't quite as bad as the journey there. It was quarter to eight by then! Crazy.
The builders have been putting in all the door frames. A positive step I feel. Jim upset them a bit by mentioning that we'd like a door in a place where we weren't going to have one before!! It's really a 'keep Buster out' door as, without it, he would have access to the spare bedroom, our bedroom and the new bathroom. Bad idea.
That's about all the news for now. Have a great weekend everyone.
OMG! Beautiful family pics, exquisite scenic photos & lovely writings. TY for sharing. TTFN ~Marydon
So happy to hear that Sandy is better. These are lovely photos of the young ones. The prom dresses and coiffures are so elegant. I love the red sky pictures too - how very pretty everything looks. I hope you will have a lovely weekend.
Thank you so much Marydon. Hello Mildred, thanks for your good wishes about Sandy. I'm glad you like the sky pictures. Aren't those prom dresses wonderful?
What beautiful girls and handsome boys. It is amazing that prom is everywhere. I thought that might be just an American custom. I think it quite funny that the boys and girls didn't sit together. They must just be good friends. As long as they have a good time together.
I am glad Sandy and Buster are well medicated and getting better.
Wonderful pictures BT!
That Buster! I think when you cut down food he will only roam the country side more........ with more risks.
I went to the vet with my dog last week; 70 euro (inncluding worm tablet for all animals)
I think these prices have gone crazy!
Have a nice weekend!!!!
Smashing photos!
I hope Buster's okay.
In the first year we spent £2,000 on muffin! Well the insurance did anyway.
Some cracking photo's. The ones of the way home are great. Sounds like a nice evening at Hilarys.
Lovely photos of the youngsters off to their prom. Glad Sandy is so much better and hope Buster came to no harm. Wonderful dramatic skies - love the shots throught the grasses and wildflowers. The builders are getting on by the sound of it - soon be the Grand Opening!
everyone looks so wonderful all dressed up. lovely to see, lovely to be young. poor buster, whatever next? you don't call yourself an artist, but you are -with the camera. happy w end, and get some sleep!
Thank you for your kind words Lisa. Those teenagers are funny, aren't they but they are good friends, which is great.
Thank you Marianne. You are probably right about Buster, but I will try. Starting this morning! Vets bills are ridiculous.
Thanks Rachel and Jason. Glad you liked the photos, I did too! Lucky you had Muffin insured. We haven't done that.
Hello Heather, all animals are improving!! What a carry on. BlackJack still needs his booster then hopefully all done. I am so glad you enjoyed the photos.
Hiya soul, thank you for the compliment, I do so love photography - and inchies!! lol. That's your fault. Glad you enjoyed.
Lovely photos! Such fun when young dress up...
I too thought proms were American... I live and learn. The girls are really beautiful.
Hello Ladybird World Mother. Don't they look wonderful.
Valerie, I think they originated in the US but now they're all over the world.
What has Buster (and Sandy) been up to? i must have missed a few posts as I don't remember anything about Sandy's paw before this. Your phots are just gorgeous (as usual) but those wind farms seem very ominous to me, there is a story about them somewhere inside me and I am waiting for it to come out so I can write it.
What wonderful pictures and such a great story about the prom. Ah - to be young and going to the prom....
You really excelled on the photos, they are gorgeous! Sos read your comments and she's going to try the flash outside in the evening for special effects. She and B just about drooled over the girls' Debs dresses- next week we're going fabric shopping for hers so she's in Debs Mode at present! Sorry about Buster, but glad Sandy is getting better.
Hi Denyse, Sandy had a nasty cat bite that went septic and Buster has a hole in his side, we know not where from! both on the mend now thankfully. Glad you liked the photos. I rather like the wind farm we can see!
It's not fair is it Mim!! We didn't have prom night in the UK then. So I missed out.
Heckety, oh how lovely to be shopping for the material. I'm so glad to have inspired Sos to take flash photos at night. I liked the effect, expecially of the grasses.
Lol we know all about vet fees... Bear was insured but nobody will insure him now, at least not unless there are extortionate excesses! Due to all his epilepsy medications of course, regular blood tests etc. Ouch!
Lovely lasses, and lovely skies too :-) x
Oh dear, I thought he was insured by where you got him from! Ah well. Pay up and look pleasant as my Mum used to say!
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