As part of our ATCs around the World, Lynn sent me her letter W for WOW. On the back is written all the processes she went through to make it. These were stages in a watercolour painting lesson. Lucky me!

What's out at The Deenery
It's amazing how many flowers we still have out here, in spite of it being almost November. It has been pretty mild so far, with only one morning where there was a touch of ground frost.

Buster to the Lake
I won't bore you with too many of these as I know I've taken many photos of the lake. It was miserable as we set out, dark cloudy skies and dull. On the way, we met Kevin in his tractor, with Merriman, his dog, running in front. Buster thought this was a huge game and joined in!

As we walked back to the fishing stand, a strange thing had happened. There was some blue sky!

Martin has put his cows in the field next to us. That's all very well, but it hasn't a proper fence around it:

One evening, we were inside and I just noticed that our security light had come on, which is inside the gate. I knew Buster was inside so wondered what had set it off. Looking out, a large cow was standing on the lawn, and several others were investigating our flower beds! AAAAH! We rushed out and chased them into the lane, Buster came out too, barking like crazy. Jim had forgotten to shut the gate when he'd returned home. Apart from a few holes in the lawn, there didn't seem to be any other damage.
The Extension
Martin the builder turned up today and delivered all the wood for the flooring in the extension. Amazing. It seems it may be put down some time next week. I can't believe it. We really will be almost there then. We were discussing buying paint this evening. Oh the excitement.
I hope every one's enjoying a good week.
Wow, that is a lot of flowers in October almost November!!! Wow!
;-) All your photos are very beautiful Gina.
Thanks for posting my art on your blog. Always fun for me to see it this way. That card photo is free motion sewing on hand dyed paper towels, repurposed dryer sheets and tulle, not felted.
Thank you Lynn. Thank you also for explaining your card photo. I have put the explanation on the blog post now so people can see how it was made. It's beautiful.
Yeah, what lynn said about the flowers. I AM SO JEALOUS. All we have around here are wet leaves now. And, it's still raining.
Buster is so funny. And, hey, when he had a job to do he did it, got rid of those pesky cows, well except for his new buddy. lololsnort :)Bea
Yes, Lynn, the postcard is super neat. Excellent. :)Bea
I enjoyed the photos. Gorse is an import from your land that is, in some places, a real problem here. Liquid Amber is called Sweet Gum in America, and the native peoples used it for toothbrushes. I think it might be one of our natives. Scots Broom comes from Scotland, and it's another problem here (in Oregon, USA) in that it has taken over from native plants. It's a shrubby legume that yellow flowers. Do you know it. I should think you might call it by another name.
WOW is wow!
And amazing how many flowers you still have, but I remember it was like that last year also.
Lovely flower pics btw!
But that picture of Buster with the calf!!!!!!! Precious
And soon your extention will be ready, ready to enjoy during the winter.
Have a nice weekend!
What spectacular flowers you still have out!
Loved the tractor shots.
Like the tractor and the dogs. The Buster and the cow looks like a countyfile pic, excellent.
So glad things are getting there, it seems such a long slog heh.
The photo with Buster and the calf is precious. I bet they could be good buddies. That bit of blue sky would be welcomed here too.
Love the stitched card and ATC - a free art tutorial as well! Gorgeous flower and lake pics. Those cows are quite unfazed by Buster's presence. Glad they didn't damage your garden when they paid you a visit. Good luck with the flooring - you'll be decorating in no time.
I think Buster is a cow living in his dog body...let him have his fun. Afterall, it's not my yard.
LoL, Love to you,
Your pictures are great Gina - I feel like I took a trip with you thru the grey skys and seeing the cows and watching the sun come out. And the flowers - we are in full bore late fall, and only the mums are out at all.
love the cow and buster picture, they look like cousins.
BT, your photographs are like stills from a romantic movie! I just love the lanscape photographs and your flowers always bring a smile to my face!
Hi Bea, I've emailed you.
Snowbrush, I asked Jim about your query and he sent me this reply:
Scots Broom is also known as that here. We don't seem to have it round
here, but I think there's more of it in the North and as the name
implies, in Scotland. Both are invasive species but I suppose we don't
think so badly of them here because they're native species. In the
States where they're not native, they regard them like we do Japanese
knotweed and Himalayan Balsam.
So there you are!. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Thanks Marianne. They're putting down the wooden flooring on Tuesday. Hoorah! Can't believe it.
Thanks Rachel, I thought you'd like the tractor shots.
Hello Jason, I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. I love that Buster and Calf photo!
Thanks Lisa. Buster thinks everyone should play with him!
Thanks for the lovely comments Heather. Moving in, how brilliant!
lol, priti.lisa! He thinks he's a cow or a cat or a human at times!
Thank you Mim, I'm glad you enjoyed our walk and the photos.
A Jane Austin one I think Ces! Thanks for visiting.
Hahaha, Lough Graney Monster! That was hysterical. Brave Buster for approaching the beast and trying to tackle it.
And I'm glad you didn't end up with a bunch of new cow holes in your garden! Whew!
Gorgeous photos, as usual. I'm transported every time I come here.
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