I'm in my new study/studio!OK, it's only temporary as the wooden floor hasn't been put down yet, but Jim suggested I move my computer in here as it won't take long to more it out again when the floor men arrive, probably in about 2 weeks time. Where my desk was before was right next to the new boiler, which was not only too hot but rather noisy too. I can't hear it at all from here. It's such fun and lovely and quiet too.
Lough Graney WalkI went on a lovely walk to the Lough with Buster on Wednesday while Jim went off buying things for our new bathroom. How exciting. Of course I took the usual plethora of photos. I'll try and be a bit selective but I'll probably fail!

I passed this holly bush on the way, absolutely laden with berries. I disturbed a few birds, so maybe they won't last long.

This field is on our left as we walk down the lane and the sun just came out enough to take this photo.

We pass this beech tree on our right, just inside Kevin the farmer's front yard. It is displaying its beautiful autumn colours.

It was really quite windy by the lake. You can see Buster's ears flapping and the choppy waters of the lake.

I love this one of him. He had his nose into the wind and both ears were flapping!

We walked along the side of the lake and I joined 2 photos to show the choppy water and the looming clouds. Do click on any of the photos for a better view.

The spikes of once purple loose strife still stand proud, though now they are a wonderful bronze colour, as is the grass below.

I took this panorama looking back at the fishing stand, which you can see in the distance. The sun shone on the water but the sky was menacing.

A sudden splash of vibrant green - it is a bed of watercress growing freely by the lake.

We walked back to the stand as it was so windy. You can see the houses on the other side of the lake in village of Flagmount.

As we walked through Kevin's back yard, this dandelion cried out to be photographed. It's such a startling yellow. I began to look to see what other flowers there were out on our walk back up the lane.

The occasional Herb Robert waved in the wind.

And a very unseasonal buttercup flowered in a field.

I cannot imagine that these bramble flowers will make any blackberries. That was about it for flowers. There was some lovely foliage though.

The bracken ranges from green to dark brown.

These hawthorn berries are rather sparse - I think the birds have been stocking up for winter.

What's left of a rose bay willow herb plant. I don't think these seeds will fly away now, they are too damp.

Buster enjoyed running in the fields as I walked along the path. He looks a little dog in this big field!

This rose bay willow herb is more skeletal and makes for a striking photo.

Another plant now dried out but making wonderful shapes and patterns.

As I was bending down to photograph the buttercups, I just saw this little bit of a rainbow above the lake.
As we neared the end of the lane, I called Buster to come from the field. He looked at me and then sat down. The reason being, he could hear the O'Brien children playing in their garden, which was in the opposite direction. He thought about the choices for a moment, then hurtled off through the hedge to play! I didn't stand a chance.

Hmm, home with Mum or off to play with the children and 2 dogs? No contest...
He's a sort of communal dog between our house, the Commerfords (where Millie lives) and the O'Briens!
I turned right at the end of the lane, taking the steep path up to our gates. On the way, I took quite a few photos of the dried grasses and flowers against the sky. I will post just three of them:

I just love this one as it looks like a ballet dancer! The pointed right foot in the air and her right arm above her head! Is it just me?

I also took a walk around our orchard when I arrived back at The Deenery. I haven't been round it for a while.

One leaf on the oak tree has decided it's Autumn!

This willow tree stood out in the sunshine.

The sun also lit up this dark green bush and turned it silver.
The bit of red you can see in the background is our not so nice next door neighbours' car. I also took a photo of their house while I was at it:

This is the couple who are determined to make our lives a misery by complaining about anything and everything they can, particularly the road down to their house.
On a brighter note, the crab apples are looking beautiful and are a delicious yellow:

Aren't the pretty?
The last few days we have been doing quite a bit of work outside and have produced lots of material for bonfires. I do love a bonfire, it rounds off my day a treat. Jim took some photos of me last night and they came out rather well:

Jim thinks I'm a pyromaniac!

I particularly like the sparks in this one.
Right, that's enough for today. Don't forget my BLOGGY GIVE AWAY on my post of 20th October. If you'd like to win one of my famous 'Raggy Bags' do go and visit and leave a comment.
It's not that I think you're a pyromaniac ..... I know you are!
What a glorious walk with all the autumn wonders on display. I do like the stormy lake and Buster doing a perfect immitation of Dr.Doolittle's dog Jip inthe prow of the boat keeping look out oud smelling out the land onthe way to Africa.
I too love working with a fire n the garden, it makes tidying so much easier. Our council has gone mad and now in the highest fire risk area of the state, we have to get a $50 permit to burn anything betseen 10am and 3pm only and also have to have the firemen come out first and assess the risk!!!
Did you bake potatoes in the ashes?
what wonderful pictures. I love the single amber oak leaf especially!
LOL re Buster, bless, you do very well to cope with all that gallivanting about!
Fun to go along the walk with you and Buster. Love that close-up of him smelling into the wind! Those photos of the sky are nice, especially the rainbow. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Fun to go along the walk with you and Buster. Love that close-up of him smelling into the wind! Those photos of the sky are nice, especially the rainbow. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
More of your beautiful photos Gina and such a lovely walk. I specially like the ones with the seedheads and grasses against the clouds, and the sun lighting up the raindrops on that bush. I also like the one of Buster sniffing the air - I think that dogs almost hear with their noses! It's amazing how one tiny flower at this time of year, can light up the landscape. Glad your studio is nearly ready. It will keep you busy during the winter when you can't get out to work outside.
I always enjoy your walk abouts. Buster has such a rich life. He has friends and playmates to keep him amused. He looks so contemplative in the photo with his nose to the wind. Those ears look velvety.
How super that you're in your new studio!
buster is a lucky dog, he looks like he has great choices.
love the photo's especially the second one - that is so beautiful.
Ah, BT! It's been a while, and I'm glad to visit you again. Thank you for taking me along on your stroll. I've been feeling rather cooped up as of late, so it was nice to get a breath of fresh air. Wow, those clouds are dramatically beautiful. And my heart leaped at the ballerina flower. What a gorgeous photo. What is that, a Queen Anne's Lace? You're so lucky to live where you do, nasty neighbors notwithstanding.
We've been without internet for a whole day and night! It's really weird not to be able to go on the computer. I didn't like it at all! I've replied by email to the comments up to Mim's.
So good to see you Bella. I'm so glad you like my ballerina flower too, I'm afraid I don't know its name. I'll have to ask Jim! It's a weed, that's all I know, or rather a wild flower. I am in my new studio, concrete floor notwithstanding!
Wonderful pictures, as usual. Sometime this winter I may ask you if I can use one or two of them to paint from. And, no Buster, you aren't one of them.
Great bonfire. I love them. If it would just STOP RAINING here I would love to have one before it gets bitter cold. :)Bea
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