I took Buster for a walk past Lough Graney as usual and took some lovely photos, which I had downloaded and deleted from my camera. Now of course I can't get at them! It did give me a good reason to take the walk again today and Buster was ready too. It was very cold, an overnight frost still hadn't altogether gone from our garden but the sun shone brightly.
We walked through the woods to the very end, paddled around in the shallows and walked on until we had to head back inland. This part is like the 'everglades' in America, or what I imagine it's like! There are old, moss-laden trees, mostly fallen over. They look kind of spooky and vines dangle from them.
Flagmount, the village at the other side of the lake, was bathed in sunshine and the bracken, now brown and red, shone in the sunshine. Sadly we could only look at the sun, not feel its warmth.

The sun shone on these trees at the start of our walk

The mosses still look lush and green

Here a new one starts to grown amongst the rotting oak leaves on the wood's floor

I haven't noticed this barbed wire before. I guess there was a fence there at one time

Shamrock leaves, ivy, moss and rotting beech leaves

Today, some horse riders came through the wood. I had to hold Buster as he was barking because he was frightened of them!

The last rider

The view across the lake

The bull rushes, rocks and the bottom of Flagmount village

View across the rocks in our direction, grasses swaying in the breeze

Because the water was quite choppy today, the reflections of the grasses were all 'wiggly', rather like curly hair!

The big house on the opposite shore, bathed in sunshine. Rocks and grasses in the foreground

Similar view with more of the grasses

Superb 'looped' grasses, Flagmount sunlit shore

A rocky inlet and patch of old grasses

Buster coming out of the water after one of his many paddles. If you click on it you can see his tongue!


The swampy section all dank and dangly

A moss covered tree, long since fallen down

The swamp!

Ivy wrapped around beech tree, now fallen and growing moss and lichen

Sunlight shone on a window in Flagmount and reflected down onto the lake. Click on the photo to enlarge it and the reflection looks like fairy lights

Walking back through the wood, I noticed these spotty oak leaves amongst the moss

This car axle has now almost disappeared into the forest floor

In the fading light, this piece of old tree looks like a dragon's head
I hope you enjoyed our walk!
When we came out of the wood, I noticed Martin, the aforementioned farmer, some way up his lane. I walked up and said hello, which is pretty brave of me as I can't usually understand anything he says. We managed a chat and he does look a sorry sight. His hands were red with cold and he had a rucksack next to him with about 8 empty beer cans scattered around. I asked whether he was warm enough in his house (derelict) and he said he was ok when he lit a fire. He only has water but I gather his sister is trying to get some windows fitted and the electricity turned on. I must say I felt very sorry for him. I invited him to call anytime for a cup of tea or coffee. Didn't seem right to offer him a 'drink'.
It's really cold again this evening but Stanley's doing his best.
We've made a promise to ourselves to go to bed by 2am today. Early for us! We shall see.
Lovely pics - there's a real sense of isolation in them, highlighted by the horse riders.
Thank you Rachel. Thoughtful comment.
Such beautiful colours of green amidst the grey. And, of course, the handsome Buster.
Isn't he just, Pamela!!
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