I took Buster for our woodland walk as the sun was actually making an effort to shine. It was pretty windy and unlike the other day when the lake was as smooth as glass, today it was more like the seaside. The waves lapped against the banks with an amazing din. Buster wondered what on earth it was. I've tried to capture the difference:

A touch of sun on the choppy water

Proper Waves..
It was wonderful to see the sun shine for a change. It seems ages since I felt its warmth. The wood looked quite different at times, lighter and welcoming.

Even the bench looked more cheerful in the brighter light
I hadn't noticed these 3 trees growing out of what appears to be a rock!

The reflection of the bull rushes was all broken up, unlike the other day when it was a mirror image:
These 'floral reflections' are also broken up, I like this photo. Normally the loose strife would be on dry land
When K and Rach were here, they took some excellent photos of a red boat, wrecked on the edge of the lake. Look where it is now! It took me some time to find it:

There are definite signs of Autumn arriving.
The oak trees' leaves are just beginning to turn:
I decided to try a different path, thinking it might take me down to the lake another way.
It ended up turning into a stream!

I did, however, discover this amazing grotto. It looked like something from the American everglades:
Ripening berries and a lone bilberry left on a bush:

Now this was quite funny. Most of the bilberries have gone, either to the birds or human passers by. I really fancied eating this one as I hadn't had breakfast and my mouth watered. Just as I picked it, Buster charged up to me and knocked it out of my hand. I had no chance of finding it amongst the dead leaves! Now I really needed one and spent the next 10 minutes searching the naked bushes. Finally, I found another and it was the best bilberry I've ever tasted. I even managed to find one for Buster, who ate it, as he does anything vaguely edible, but looked a bit confused as the bitter sweet taste kicked in.
As I walked back along the path, the sky blackened and I felt a few drops of rain. Here we go again.

There was still enough blue to make a sailor a pair of trousers though!
I took one shot of some moss which seems to have 'fingers' and another of the bright yellow fungi, which I couldn't resist:

Finally, this wood is part of a walk called the 'East Clare Way'. Jim is walking it bit by bit. Here is the sign:
Now I promise to go somewhere different to take photos or you're all going to get really bored!
I must just show you this photo. Yesterday, Buster suddenly got all upset and I didn't realise why at first. He kept going to the snug door. Then I thought he was probably looking for Jim. Jim's little office is above my temporary one and is up a loft ladder and doesn't have a door, so he could hear his voice. Jim peered down and talked to Buster, then the 2 cats, who sleep up there, popped their heads over the edge to see what was happening! They don't like to miss anything.

Sandy's head is a bit whitened out with the flash, but I took it in a hurry. I love their shadows on the ceiling.
Jim made a lovely dinner tonight, chicken en croute with home grown potatoes, runner beans and peas. Then home grown redcurrant and apple crumble for pud. Delicious.
I loved the lake like 'sea' when we were there too, but wow re the red boat!
The yellow fungi is wonderful, as are the bullrushes and the superb shot of Jim & cats! (even if bleached).
Also love the bilberry tale :-) xxx
Wait, don't clean it up! I'll be right over for some leftovers! Yum.
Lovely, lovely walk.
Lovely photos. I can see why you fell in love with the place.
What a lovely shot of Jin and the kitties. All three so happy looking. Loved the woodland walk. Wish I had the energy.
Don't have a clue what a bilberry is but it sounds really good.
And why is the lake rising?
All the pics are fantastic. I love looking at other places that people find interesting. You and Rachel seem to have the same kind of 'eye' for things like that.
And the pic of Jim and cats - adorable. When you mentioned the shadows I laughed. It's true! They are too cute!
Thanks Gina. I needed that walk today. I'll never get bored of it.
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