Lovely to find I've won an award from Carol today, passed on from
DJKirby! A Circle of Friends award, which I find most appropriate on here.

The gorgeous Carol is over at
Not Only In Thailand. As always, there are rules attached so I have to write five things that I like to do and then pass this award on to ten friends....well, I've never been very good at rules so I'm going to pass this to all the lovely bloggers who visit me regularly - you know who you are! Or, come to that, anyone who fancies doing it!
Right, my five things
1 Take Buster for walks by the lake (as you might have guessed)
2 Spend time in the garden, preferably tackling big clearing jobs, I'm not so keen on the fiddly bulb planting stuff!
3 Visit my Grandchildren (oh, and their parents I suppose)! lol.
4 Make rag rugs, raggy bags, ATCs
5 Have a good old sort out. Whether it be re-arranging contents of drawers, sorting out bookcases or cupboards, sorting out my office space, you know the kind of thing.
I could go on and on, there are far too many to list here. Read a good book, Listen to music, play scrabble online, visit new places, take endless photographs, etc, etc....
Jim has been moving all his office things from one end of the cottage to the other. In the meantime, I've been moving all my things from his end to my end - if that makes any sense at all. I've had loads of boxes to sort out. Some were buried so deep I'd forgotten what was in them.
All my material is now in colour sorted boxes and most of it is being stored up in the tank room (Jim's old office) which is very close to my office. It's been hard work but we've almost finished.
Now I must go and make a couple of ATCs for my ATC Group. I need to do the 'D', which should have been done for last Sunday and the E for next. Oh, I'm all behind, but my inspiration deserted me this week.
Not one photo - that must be a record.
I Love the remark about grandkids and maybe their parents. TOo funny...I know my kids think that is my feelings exactly...(and they just might be right!) Grandkids ROCK!!!!
I think I would very much enjoy your life EXCEPT for the sorting things out part. I'm not much of a putting away type person. I'm way too messy! I looked back and love your tapestry blanket, it's very pretty!
Like the new header pic. I love "sorting" too. Sam always gets me to sort things like kitchen cupboards, I'm the tidier.
1. Relax, watch a film and drink a glass of wine.
2. Kiss my wife and children.
3. See my family.
4. Work at a challenge.
5. Start something new/ change.
I love your five things!!
C x
oh no not sorting things, nooooooo.
love your new header, isn't it nice to see a lighter sky in the mornings now? yahooooo.
Glad you laughed with me Lynn!!
Hiya Pak Art. I'm messy too, which is why I have to have a sort out every now and then!!
Jason, I enjoyed your 5. You're such of softy!!
Thanks Carol
Hiya Soul. Another one who hates sorting things! lol. Glad you like the new header, I intend to change it often!
Congrats on your award. There seems to be no end to sorting out. I still have the single bedroom to do and it's the worst bit in the house. Everywhere else is OK right now but I'm sure another muddle will have arrived by the time the little room is done.
That's the problem isn't it Heather! Also, while you're sorting, it makes even more mess for a while!
I agree with the last comment.
Blooming spammers! It's gone now J!!
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