A bit more on the kitchen progress. I chipped off all the tiles - what a mess they made. I think only one came off whole! Behind them the cement they had used to affix them to the wall was stuck like glue. I tried various ways of trying to chip it off! Jim took a couple of photos of me removing the tiles:

Jim has put the cupboards from there on the other side:

It's been lovely today, cold but sunny. Some of the crocuses have started to come up, so I took a couple of photos of them:

Spring is coming!
I didn't finish this blog yesterday - I watched the Olympics until 5am so then went to bed! I'm sitting here in the full sunshine in my studio and it's glorious.
Primula and primroses are all starting to flower, in spite of the frost this morning.
At about 5pm yesterday I went to the barn to get some bags of wood chips for Billy Boiler and the clouds were wonderful. All big and fluffy. I got a bit carried away with the camera!

I just took the tops of the clouds here! they still look wonderful if you click on it to enlarge.

BlackJack and Sandy followed me everywhere as it was about their teatime!

Ben 26 Today
It's my youngest son's 26th birthday today. He's in Spain and I'll ring him later but I miss his hugs.

Happy Birthday Ben.
Right, things to do. Happy Thursday Everyone.

Me and Ben. He was about 11 here. I love this photo.
Happy Birthday wishes to Ben in Spain!
Lovely to see the progress on your kitchen and I love the cheerful crocus pictures.
We love to look at the clouds too. Your photos are so pretty. We have been having cold temps and lots of wind. Our cats won't venture out in the weather.
I love that photo of you and Ben. Hope you and Jim have a lovely day.
You have been a busy lady. Love those pictures of Ben. Happy Birthday BEN.
Good progress on the house, looks fun.
Happy Birthday Ben!
I have been following the progress of the kitchen and it is taking shape. A lot of messy work but hacking wall tiles off the wall is a great stress buster!You take some lovely pics of the countryside and of course the lake is ever changing.
I love your new header photo Gina. The kitchen is taking shape nicely. I envy you your crocuses -everything here has disappeared under 3 or 4 inches of snow today. If they need more for the Winter Olympics I'll gladly donate ours. Lovely cloud pics and Happy Birthday Ben. Glad to see he's wearing the right shirt!
Hello Mildred. Thanks on behalf of Ben to everyone for his birthday wishes. The kitchen progresses slowly although we've been working in the garden today so nothing done. Our cats are pretty tough and don't seem to mind the weather. Buster hates the rain though!! It's been a good day thank you.
Hi Lisa. Busy busy indeed. Aren't we all?
Will be good Jason. WHEN it's done! I spoke to Ben briefly. He'll get thoroughly plastered tonight!
Hello Peggy, I@m glad you like the photos. Slow progress in the kitchen - we've been outside today.
Heather my crafty whizz friend! How's that rug coming along? I'm glad you like the header, I must change it soon!! I was surprised to see the crocus as it's been so cold. Not more snow? Poor you. I've jut come in from the garden and my toes were frozen!
Oh yes, Ben's a big England fan. He used to play rugby for years.
you always look so wide awake and sooo young too. happy bday ben.
Splendid pictures -- love the crocuses - not a sign of mine yet.
Happy birthday Ben!
~grin~ smashing post. Love all the pictures; you in the kitchen, puss cats, spring flowers and omgosh the clouds! :D
Super Ben post too :D xx
Aw, happy birthday to you and Ben! So glad I dropped in cause I got a sneek peek of the crocus blooms. They are lovely. And of course the kitties are sweet as ever. Love those little guys.
Happy Birthday, Ben! Love the photos, especially the ones of SIGNS OF SPRING! There is too much snow still around here to see anything. It's all still sound asleep. sigh..... :)Bea
Soul, you are just too kind. As long as the camera doesn't get too close!!
Thank you Rachel. I was surprised to see the crocuses after the cold temperatures. Even some violets have appeared in the lane.
I'm glad you liked the post K. Jason looks so young in that photo of him with Ben. SO long ago.
Lovely to see you Linda. More catty piccies in the next post! I'm glad you enjoyed the crocuses.
Bea, the lovely Bea, thank you for dropping in. Spring, spring, well, there was a hail shower today, to make you feel better! I was gardening at the time! lol.
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