Husband Jim went to the UK for 3 days and of course saw Poppy and Sonny, his Grandchildren in West Sussex. He took a few photos so here is just a selection:

She is getting so grown up now.

Happy Sonny
Now these next two are funny - Poppy thought she'd quite like Sonny's dummy!

Hopefully I will be able to catch up with both of them soon.
Jim gets Certified!
You probably know that Jim volunteers to teach 'Silver Surfers' basic computing. He was invited to a 'do', which I thought was just a meeting, but it turned out to be a bit of a celebration. There had been a painting competition at the library in Ennis and the winners of that had to go up to the table and collect their prizes.
After that, the volunteers had to do the same and they each received a certificate. Jim said it was like prize day at school!

The organisation running the courses, called 'Getting Started', is Age Action Ireland (For all Older People).
Jim's certificate reads 'Certificate of Appreciation to Jim Deen in recognition of the valuable contribution to the Getting Started Training Programme, 19th February 2010.
Well, how exciting! I think it's excellent that they take the trouble to officially thank the volunteers and show they are appreciated. Jim has been to Scarriff this morning for the start of the new course. The first course was in Ennis, but Scarriff is one of our favourite little towns, so he enjoyed going there too. Afterwards, the helpers went for a coffee and a scone. I think I'm missing out here somewhere.
A New Visitor to Our Garden
When Jim returned, it was snowing, as it still is, and we were watching all the birds fighting over the feeders outside my room. Jim thought one of the birds looked a bit different from our usual collection as it had a little russet red 'cap' on the top of its head. We have discovered it is a 'Common Redpoll'. Well, it's hardly common to us, as we've neither of us seen one before. We love our birds and it's exciting when a new one appears. Today there are:
Siskin, Goldfinch, Chaffinch, blue tit, great tit and coal tit. Robin, Blackbird and Magpie. And......... Redpoll!

Such a cute little thing. The male has a red chest too so ours must have been a female or an immature male.
We have reached 'G' in our alphabet of Artist Trading Cards and here is my effort:

Postcard From Bea
Oh Wow. Bea from Dog In the Hole Studio makes fantastic fabric postcards. She sent me this one for Valentine's Day - I just love it. The heart is stuffed and squishy. Do visit Bea's Blog, it's full of wonderful things. She has an amazing studio and talent flows around in there as though it's built into the fabric of the building.

I've been a bit hooked on the Winter Olympics. This is all very well but it goes on until 5am here! Last night it was the free programme in the Ice Dance. I love the skating and some of the performances took your breath away. I also watched several Curling matches, but every time I watch either of our teams (well, Team UK), they lose.
Enough for today I think. I hope it's been a Top Tuesday for everyone.
It is so surprising how much Poppy and Sonny have grown! Poppy especially has grown so much curly hair since last I saw her. They are both beatufiul children.
Congrats to Jim and how wonderful to be appreciated. The tea and scones sound very tasty to me.
I love the postcard Bea sent to you. Very creative and what a treasure for you. Stay warm and I hope you both have a lovely evening.
What a splendid post. Well done Jim and I love the ATC and postcard.
coo smashing for Jim, that's really good they appreciate him!
Love the kid pics, they're so much bigger already, lovely.
Coo a new bird too, haven't seen that one myself, nice one. :D
Looking forward to watching the dicky birds myself next month xxx
What cuties they are. I'm so glad you have pictures of them, they certainly have gotten bigger FAST.
Look at Jim! Doesn't he look proud.
Well he should be, and how nice they do make an effort to thank them. And, I think you should go along for the ride and then the tea and scones.
Awwwwww, thanks for the plug. Glad the postcard got there. SMOOCH
Wow, your ATC is gorgeous. You guys are having a lot of fun with this round. :)Bea
Lovely baby pics Gina - our great grandson is being christened this Sunday. Congrats to Jim for his award - I could do with a few of his classes. How exciting to have a red poll in the garden. I don't think I have ever seen one. They are very sweet. Lovely ATC and post cards.
When I saw the title I thought 'holy smoke! what's he done?' but I see its a real certificate!!
Afraid I've been reading without commenting recently, very rude, pliss forgif!
Your ATCs are, as usual, lovely, and fun, but I really think it should be B for Bling, not G!! Aren't Poppy and Sonny just wonderful! So cute and darling!
And isn't the weather JUST FOUL?????
It was a shock to me too Mildred. They seemed babies such a short while ago.
I sent your congrats to Jim. Isn't Bea a star? So talented. It's snowing again but I don't think it'll settle for long. You keep warm too. xx
Thank you Rachel. Glad you enjoyed it.
lol K about the dickies!! You shall enjoy watching them too! Clever Jim, eh? He made pancakes tonight too. Mmmm.
Hello Bea, aren't Poppy and Sonny cute? I can't wait to give them a big Gran hug!
I bet if I went with Jim, they'd all go straight home! Just my luck.
I thought I might run out of ATC ideas the 2nd alphabet through, but I've managed so far. Hugs to you Bea. xxx
Thank you Heather, I'm glad you liked the baby pics and the redpoll. I don't think I would have noticed it but Jim just thought it looked 'different'. He was right too. I hope it comes back to visit! Enjoy the Christening on Sunday.
Don't worry about not commenting Heckety, sometimes it's hard to know what to say or there just isn't time. I just hope you keep reading and enjoy! Aren't Poppy and Sonny the cutest?
Ha ha, Jim should be certified for living with me!! Yes indeed, the weather is ghastly! Snow on the ground outside again.
hey bt - a superb newsletter. i love that you're main man shares his knowledge with others!!! so cool to see the little people growing. every step is magic. steven
BT, my mental ninja gardener, how are you. I see you are busy as usual! I have been seeing you in blogland. We are all sad for renee.
It's wonderful to see the babies. I love babies as long as I don't have to change the diapers.
Take care BT. Maybe the sun will shine soon.
Hi steven, thanks. The little ones just grow too fast. Jim is good, isn't he? He enjoys it, but wishes more men would come to the classes.
Ces, how lovely to see you. Changing nappies? Oh no, not any more. Such a horrid, if necessary job. Snow on the ground today and no sun. ~sigh~
Your life is sure busy with creativity and family. Isn't it wonderful? The grandchildren are so cute, and I very much like your art card, especially the gaudiness!
Thank you so much KathyB.
Kids look great and so old!
Well done Jim, that was a nice thought from them.
Enjoy your coffee morning.
Those kids are adorable and congrads to Jim on his appreciation.
Love that postcard from Bea, she's a treat!
Hi Jason, the boy done good!! Yes, the children are huge, aren't they? They grow as yours do! See you soon. I hope Jim behaved himself.
Glad you enjoyed the post Mim. Yup, Bea's postcards are something else!
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