I received a lovely Artist Trading Card from Cat today. It's for the letter 'D' and is a Dragonfly.

Cat also enclosed a pretty card and some bits and pieces for me to use in my collages:

I shall have fun with those.
I have just finished my 'E', which I will post tomorrow. My E is for Earwig or Ear and Wig!

Kitchen Changes
As you know, Jim and I travelled South to pick up a cooker and it is now fitted in place, although we have to wait for the electrician before it'll be properly installed. Here it is:

The work top did go all the way across the top, so Jim cut the middle out and has made a jolly good job of it I think:

The old cooker used to be here, with cupboards either side of it:

Jim always disliked the fact that the sink and work surfaces were on one side of the kitchen and the cooker at the other end! So, the cupboards have been moved for now and are here:

This is a bit of a temporary situation as tomorrow we are going to get some new work surfaces. The fridge, which was where the cupboard on the right was, is to be moved into the lobby further on the right, then the work surface can go from a bit nearer the boiler and all the way to the end of the fridge as it is now. Have you got that? No? I'm not surprised!!

These cupboards are going over to the other side too!! Well, hopefully you'll see it soon! We are also buying some wood tomorrow too. The other exciting thing is that Jim is going to make a small island - on wheels I think! It will enable us to have 2 stools under it for the odd cup of tea and a cupboard under for the saucepans, which I hate being visible.
So it's all happening again. We already have the paint to decorate when the work is finished. My first job is to remove the tiles underneath the cupboards (last photo, above). Ping, ping, that should be fun!
Jim has been to the UK for the day today and I went with Ann Broderick to a funeral mass. One of the 'coffee morning' ladies' brother-in-law has recently died, in America, so they held a remembrance mass for him in Ireland. It was Catholic of course, which I am not, but I followed Ann and managed to stand and sit in all the right places. I miss the hymns in a Catholic service and the whole building was very austere. I suppose it's what you are used to.
Now I'm off to bed. Jim and I usually do a crossword before we settle down. Happy Tuesday everyone.
gina, gotta love following these atc's. so fun.
my kitchen is soon to be remodeled too. i can tell you enjoy the transformations as much as i do.
it's so neat how much fun you two have with one another.
beautiful ATCs :D
Gosh what a lot of work on the kitchen, I hope our visit isn't going to put you out too much! Hope we can go somewhere pretty too, that'd be lovely. Lina's SO excited bless her!
Happy tile pinging! ~chuckles~
Oh great job on the tops and oven fitting, tis looking grand. Looking forward to seeing it!
Super news on the kitchen.
oh i am loving that kitchen of yours, wow i am jellyass.
bt i live in a house that needs a kitchen reno but the thought of it turns my knees to jelly. i wouldn't be doing any part of it but the mess and the loss of cooking space would be tough. you seem really calm about the whole matter! how'd ya do it? steven
Glad you like the atcs kj! It'll be great when your kitchen's done too.
Glad you like the atcs K. No problem with your visit, we may even have it done by then - well, almost!! lol. I'm looking forward to Lina coming very much too (and you of course)!!
He did do well, didn't he J?
It is indeed, Rachel.
You are funny soul!! It's the best we can do without buying all new cabinets, etc!
Ha ha steven, after a whole year of builders, this is nothing! lol. Jim will do it a bit at a time, so we can work round it all. Not too bad really. Each step is an improvement. xx
Wonderful atcs and it looks like you are getting your kitchen fixed up as nice as the rest of the house.
I have decided, Gina, that that Jim is worth his weight in gold - hope he is back with you by now.
Do you have snow?
OOOoooh, I love the new cooker. Have you baked anything yet? Nothing? Not some cookies to welcome Jim home? oh well.......I hope you are doing art then. What fun to have a new remodeled kitchen. Jim's a good worker bee. :)Bea
The kitchen will be a lot of work but worth it,you do not seem a bit fazed by the amount of work involved.
Slowly, Lisa, slowly!!
Don't tell him that Weaver!! He was only away for a day this time! But 3 days next week. No snow here, but -5 last night! c c cold!
He is a good worker Bee Bea!! lol. He cooks, not me! I am making a rag rug at the moment (the one that fell apart) so that's keeping me busy in the evenings. They do take a long time.
Hi Peggy, good to see you. After a year with builders here, nothing else can phase me!! lol.
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