A good one to start with

The shops are decorated

Spectators dressed up to watch the parade

There were lots of little clowns from a play centre

In the market place was this lovely old Threshing machine.

Here they were demonstrating how it worked. Jim is in the red coat.

An old display of farming tools

A lovely old bus and great character beside it.

A model T Ford. There were dozens of old and vintage cars.

More clowns

One came on stilts

Getting ready for the parade outside the church, Gort

And here they are marching.

My ear itches!

Here they all are actually in the parade

This chap had a wonderful time in his church gear.

The Young Hurlers

These were from the ICA, the equivalent of the Women's Institute. They are The Beatles of course!

Aliens were everywhere! And spacemen of course

An Alien

Irish Lions, 'To be sure, I'm goin' ta roar'

A bouncing man!

Men on the moon (loved the rocket, a washing machine)

I think it was all a bit beyond this little Brazilian boy!

A super scooter, pity I cut the top of his head off

I'm not sure why this lot were caged!

The bouncing man, the stilt walker and a boy on a unicycle.

A piper and his scary friend the drummer

This lad with his windmill was waving from one of the old cars

Washing hanging from one of the floats!

Cashing in on the day

This lady was on a hippy float. They won in their section.

One man and his dog, riding an old tractor. The hat on the right looks like an old favourite, well worn.

3 young Irish dancers in their lovely costumes
Hats and wigs came in all shapes, sizes and styles, as long as they were green!

An Alice Band with shamrock decorations

A tiny hat

Green Hair!


My favourite Clown

'Kiss Me I'm Irish', but wake me up first!

This lass had decided a warm hat was called for.

I love this photo. What a fantastic face this man has.

My favourite child's photo

A super home made hat

This family were all dressed for the occasion. Look at the little lad as a leprechaun! I love the one on the left's glasses too.
The weather wasn't too bad, at times the sun shone then the wind blew cold. It was a super day, everyone was in great spirits and I thoroughly enjoyed my first St Patrick's Day Parade.
What fun! Loved looking through those photos, you're quite right they really do show a flavour of the day. That man's face is the very definition of 'chiselled'!
And of course the shamrock was everywhere which sparked off my most recent blog
Glad you liked the DK. Isn't his face marvellous. What a nose!
Twisted willow, I am off to see now.
BT, loved looking at your photos. I don't think you missed a thing. With all going on, how did you manage to capture "the man with the perfect profile?"
Yes, St. Paddy's day is upon us.
Wow what a party!
I love the green aliens with the sign : we come in peace!
Happy St. Patrick´s Day Gina!
Thanks for taking me along
Brilliant, looks a great day. Loving the little leprechaun, also the shot of the little girl (your fav) is lovely.
Happy St Patricks Day. x
Wow! I've never actually seen pictures of St. Patrick's Day as it's celebrated in Ireland. What a treat! Looks like so much fun and festivities. I had to laugh at the poor scooter guy with the top of his head shaved off. Thanks so much for the fabulous pics!
And Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Hi Linda, thanks and I'm glad you liked the photos. He was standing just behind me, that man. How could I resist?
Those children really worked hard, Marianne and I'm sure they had a great day. Thanks for coming too.
Hi Jason, the little chap was wonderful wasn't he? The little girl just so Irish!! Nobody minded you taking photos of children either, in fact, they were proud. How lovely.
Hello Bella, it was so much fun. The scooter man was going quite fast, so I didn't get much time to focus!! That's my excuse. Our car is bright orange so next year I think we should be in the parade too!
Edward and I send you and Buster our greenest, happiest of wishes for this St.Patrick's Day!! I loved the parade!
What a brilliant set of photos for St Patrick's Day - they ought to be broadcast all over Google Blogland!! Fantastic post for today.
How interesting to see St. Patrick's Day in Ireland. Thanks for all the great pics Gina!
Thanks Pamela, Buster says 'woof'.
Thanks so much Weaver, I'm so glad you've enjoyed them.
aims, so glad you liked the pictures. The colours were so lovely, I thought. And that man!!
Looks like A LOT of fun! I *LOVE* parades!!!
Thank you so much for sharing these pictures and Happy St. Patrick's Day :)
Thansk for your comments in my blog :)
Valentina, thanks so much for visiting, I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. It was indeed fun!
These are so much fun. Thank you. I thought you lived in England.
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