Buster's Lament by Jason Green
Why oh why, I cannot seem to lie
With my head in my bed, oh my.... oh my.
It's not that big, "dog head size" I'd say,
But I poke it inside and it flops out all day!
Oh deep joy, it seems my problems are solved,
A huge doggy bed from England I'm told!
Now I sleep soundly, after running amok,
It fits my dog head and my small doggy bot!
My sleep is so peaceful no longer so tuff,
Snoring all nite, to get up not so "ruff"!
I reckon that's one cool poem!! I told Buster that Uncle Jason had written one about him! He said 'woof'.
Our poetic genius obviously runs in the family.
Our first job today was to empty the car, which was packed to the gunnels with 'stuff' from the UK. The new bathroom suite, 'Innocence' it's called, is in the top barn with a large roll of polythene for the polytunnel, plus sundry assorted boxes for the bathroom suite, taps, traps, you name it.
Jim bought me a pair of new Wellington Boots. Now these are your straight forward black ones, but they fit a treat. I also received some new gardening gloves, highly essential when I'm brambling. 6 little delightful conifers came too, plus a pink deutzia shrub. Also a pot of varnish for my papier mache creations then 3 months supply of contact lenses (I'd run out) and my prescription medicine. I need that as it's my anti depressants. Not exactly a present, but highly vital all the same. Jim also brought back the plants in a basket that I had bought him for his birthday. All the little daffodils are out now and it looks a treat.
Martin waving and Joe climbing up the ladder
There has been much noisy drilling today as they have been fixing the roof joists to the wall of the cottage.
We have managed to find a plumber willing to do all the heating and bathroom suite, towel rails, etc, that's one worry removed. He seems very pleasant but speaks at about 100 miles an hour and he has a strong Irish accent. I just smile and nod.
The first of the miniature red tulips is almost out. Luckily the cows missed these. Can you see the weeds? They've all gone now. I weeded this bed this afternoon and half of the other bed on the arboretum. The ground is so wet, it's really hard work.
Jim spent some time trying to lose the cow holes. It was funny watching him jump up and down trying to flatten the grass. I tried to catch him in action:
It does look much better already
Jumping Jim. Where's your horse? I washed his very filthy red coat while he was away. It positively shines now.
While Jim was in the UK he went to see all 3 of his children and of course his first Grandchild, the lovely Poppy. Here are 4 of the photos he managed to get while she wasn't crying!

Hasn't she grown? If you look carefully you can see Jim's birthday basket in the background

She has a wonderful surprised look!

A bit of a smile here

'That's the best I can manage' says Poppy
Time for a bit of blog reading.
thanks for all your inspiring comments BT!:) i wish my world had such lovely blooms as yours. i have luck only when the sturdy, hardy tulips and daffodils return faithfully every single year, no matter what i do or don't do to them. they are troopers!
I love that beautiful babay! YES!!!!!!!! She is so lovely. BT, you are one amazing woman with this garden project. I think I have said that before. Very nice to see the birthday present making its way to you. I wonder oif you were going to make a follow up post. I think Jim in his wellies looks like a typical country gentleman. Yes, a dog needs a bed where she or he can stretch. Our Daisy needs a new one. She chewed her first one.
What a beautiful baby and I also love the birthday basket. Your flowers are great.
I love the poem about the bed. It is excellent.
~still chuckling over Jason's poem~
Smashing pics of Jim, looking very paddington bear in the red coat, wicked!
A nice, joyous Spring blog BT.
I loved the shot of Buster in his old (too small) bed - our Tess dragged her puppy bed out of the utility room and in front of the Aga and squeezed herself back into it. Haven't the heart to remove it, so have put the new (larger) bed in the shed for now. Lovely to see your spring flowers ahead of ours - our daffodils are not out yet.
Wow, fame at last. Thanks for posting my poem. I was in the midst of writing a very boring pension report and it was a (mildly) creative break.
Poppy has grown, she looks georgeous.
Great to see things coming on.
What a dear little baby face!
Congrats to the poet, too...
Hi aimee, so glad I cheered you up. At least your tulips and daffs keep returning, that's something!
She is adorable, isn't she Ces. Thanks for the lovely comments. We're leaving the basket outside so it'll be acclimatised for planting. Little daffs will go on the rockery I think, if the workmen have finished, as it's a bit of a mess at the moment. Dogs are lovely, aren't they? It's good when they stop chewing. Not sure Buster has yet! Your Daisy is lovely.
Renee, glad you liked J's poem. Poppy is lovely, but then we would think that, wouldn't we?
DK, his poem was good, wasn't it? Jim looks fine in his wellies and coat!
Rachel, succinct as ever!
WEaver, your tale of Tess dragging her old bed in front of the aga. Bless! We put a blanket in front of the Super Ser Gas fire for Buster in the mornings. He likes to warm himself in front of it!
I'm sure your daffs won't be too long appearing.
Jason, it was such a good poem, I had to post it. Poppy has grown indeed and looks angelic there. Jim said she cried most of the time though!!
Gosh Gina - looking at your flowers makes me dream of a spring some time around here. Since it was -40C last night and colder with the windchill factor I am giving up hope.
Keep posting flower pics to remind me there are some in this world!
Your spring bulbs are looking lovely. And great baby photos.
Jinksy, thanks for your comment. Poppy is a cutie indeed.
Aims, -40? That's just inhuman. I couldn't live there!
I will keep posting flowers, don't worry.
Thanks Helen, the bulbs seem to be coming up every day.
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