Jim emailed me a photo of the basket. Isn't technology wonderful?

Tom Thumb daffodils (still in bud), primula, a gorgeous white cyclamen and 2 little euonymous. That's a bit of an in joke as I love them and put them everywhere! And I shall have the basket..
It's been very exciting on the extension front. The roof timbers have been going up today. Joe was back to help Martin. Now it's really looking like a building:

Joe posing for the camera

On goes the next roof timber.
I have been busy too, more weeding and some planting. Jim bought 6 little hebe plants and I weeded the bed with the 'Liquid Amber' tree in it and planted them there. I still have the rest of that bed to clear of grass. Maybe tomorrow's job.
I also had a purple Phormium tenax to plant and that went at the top of the fairy hill. It looks rather splendid. Then I started weeding there, trying to get rid of some of the dandelions and buttercups. As usual, I got a bit carried away and cleared a big patch. The fairy hill is in front of the Sleeping shed, pictured yesterday. Having chugged up to the compost heap with my motor barrow, I saw the big pile of bonfire material and decided it was a good evening to be a pyromaniac. The fire blazed merrily for about an hour and almost all the heap was burnt. Can you believe we had midges? I had to go back inside and put some anti bug stuff on. In March.
Gnats and Bitey Things
by Gina Deen
I hate those bitey things
With their tiny little wings
Biting common folk and kings
Leaving pale flesh full of stings
I've tried the deadly deet
Even put some on my feet
Bust under socks they creep
My tasty blood they seek.
I'd like to squish them flat
Put their innards outwards, splat!
Then feed them to the cat
No - I'll toss them to a bat.
I hate those bitey things
With their tiny little wings
I hope some day they'll cringe
As in Dante's place they singe!
They are, to me, the very worst thing about Ireland, or more particularly, where we live near a bog. I am obviously especially tasty as I get bitten all the time.
On a lighter note, I received an envelope today from Rachel, aka Leatherdykeuk. She had put some of her delightful water colour paintings for sale on Etsy and there was the illustration of me when I had burnt my fingers. Of course I just had to buy it and today it has arrived, beautifully mounted with the poem underneath:

I must find a suitable frame and it will go on my new playroom wall. If you haven't read the poem, if you click on the picture, you probably will be able to.
In the same package there was also a lovely Jasfoup Fridge Magnet. What fun!

Now Marianne, my new blogger friend who does Mandalas and ATCs was amused and somewhat curious by me saying I make 'odd shaped papier machee' things. So I am posting these photos of the 'thing' I made for Jim for Christmas. Forgive me if you've seen it before:

The odd paler colours aren't on the actual container. Must be from the flash

It is almost 12" tall at the back, so it is quite big. We daren't leave it around in case Buster eats it, but it will eventually go in Jim's new office.
That's about all for today. A productive day as I've also just patched my favourite old pair of gardening trousers.
Love the poem, and I'm glad the one you bought arrived safely!
Did you ever get notification about those copies of AUC you ordered? They never arrived here.
whoo hoo look at that building go! :-) I'm getting all excited for you ~grin~
Love the photos, aw bless re the flowers, I texted and facebooked re Mr J's birthday :-)
Love and miss you x
Thanks Rachel. Have emailed you re AUC.
Thanks, DK, it's getting real at last. Jim said last night he hadn't received your text so I'll ask him when I speak today. I said you asked for his number though. He's gone to lunch with his 3 children and other halves and child today!
BT what a robust post. First Jim's flower and plant basket is gorgeous. He's a bit of a romantic isn't he? Well you did a wonderful thing for him.The house extension looks more like a second house! It's huge. The portrait illustration fits to a tee. That is so much fun.
I love the poem. We have those pesky bugs too and you described them perfectly! Have a great weekend.
Hiya Ces, lovely to 'see' you. Robust, I like that. He is a bit of a romantic, yes! He tries to keep it well hidden though.
The portrait is super isn't it? Clever Rachel. Glad you appreciated my bitey things poem. They are the bain of my life.
Enjoyed reading your poems and looking at your pics. The painting that goes with your burned fingers is great! Hopefully you wont ever get another burn but if you do, immediately rub half of a tomato over the area. It prevents blisters from forming and works like magic. I've been doing that for years and it works each time.
Your peom is great! I loved the rugs too, just saw them on your sidebar, wow. I want one of those fridge magnets, I shall sulk till I get one :). Lucky you getting an original by Rachel, anyone would think you are related the way she lavishes gifts on you, lol. Your extension is starting to look good too. There is a good book up for grabs over on my blog today and I think it may be one you haven't read yet.
Thanks for this wonderful post, little by little I get a picture....
Congratulations to Jim, what alovely idea to send him something he can take home!
The extension is coming along nicely! Wish we could start also!
Lovely painting you bought . Hope your fingers are healed already!
Stampmaiden, lovely to see you. The painting and poem were both done by my daughter's partner, Rachel, aka Leatherdykeuk. She is so clever. I have never heard that about a tomato. I will try it if it happens again. Hopefully it won't!
Hi DJK, glad you liked the poem. I'll drop a hint to Rachel about the fridge magnet, I think she has many. I actually bought the illustrated poem from Rachel on Etsy but she said she would have given it to me! I know she's not exactly rolling in money! But she has written me another one and it's on its way. Can't wait. I'll pop to your blog shortly.
Hello Marianne, the extension is getting to the exciting stage at last. My fingers are fine now, though they did take a while to heal properly. Burns are so painful. Jim is back tomorrow about midnight.
Best wishes to all.
Ps, DK Leather is my daughter, pictured above.
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