The Woven
Who remembers the Disintegration Project I took part in, initiated by Seth Apter?
This was Part One of our brief:
Hi BT! I would love to have you join in. It is definitely not too late. Basically you need to create a "bundle" out of paper and what ever other materials you want to use. You can see many examples on my blog. Wrap it up somehow and place it in nature. Hang it. Bury it. Submerge it. Lean it. Whatever you like. Then let Mother Nature be your collaborator. Take a photo of your bundle in its new home and post it on your blog. Then wait and watch. On May 1, all participants will then post an "after" picture on their blog. There will also be a part 2 to the project. I will send details to everybody soon. Please email me again when you have your bundle photo posted. That way I can link to it and add your name to the list of participants. Also, please let me know if it would be okay for me to capture a picture of your bundle from your blog to post on my blog between now and May 1!! So happy you want to play!! Best, Seth
I duly hung my parcel in a tree at The Deenery and took it down as requested. The next stage was to make something out of the things in the parcel after they'd been outside for months. I made 'The Woven'. I then decided to leave it outside the weather and disintegrate further and today I took some more photographs of it - (see above). It hasn't done too badly. Everything has faded and some of the paper has flown away, but the material is mostly still there. The butterfly photograph has changed the least. Even the papier machee balls are still in tact (made from dyed toilet paper)!!
If you'd like to see how it all looked when I first finished it, here is the link to The Woven reveal
A few people have asked how it was faring outside, so now you can see.
Sunny Day Gardening
2 days ago we had a lovely sunny day, so I enjoyed time in the garden. It was crisp but still cold enough for a coat. Jim brought me a cup of coffee and a scone and took some rather awful photos of me, in which I look about ten stone! I think I have picked out two where I don't look too bad. Talk about a country yokel!

Jim bought a witch hazel tree a little while ago. We have to find a home for it yet:

The crocuses have come on leaps and bounds. They are so delicate and are spreading nicely:

I spent most of that day weeding then spreading compost over the beds (our own of course).

ATC and Art Things
I made the following ATC for Teri to go with her 'H' for Hearts:

Finally a photo I took of the moon one night - I still managed to get a blue moon in with it!

I hope everyone is having a good week. We went shopping to Limerick today - but more of that anon.
You have been such a busy lady. Your garden is ahead of mine now. My poor garden needs some sun and warmer weather. The crocus are still in the bud stage. I remember your woven. I just loved that project and hated to see it left outside. Have a good weekend.
The woven is really an interesting work of art and the process is unique. How clever! I love your flower pics - they fill me with hope! And nice to see a pic of you - my gray is growing out too. It happens!
Thanks Lisa, I'm glad you remembered The Woven. We need warmer weather really but have had some sun with a bit of warmth in it.
Hi Patty. Glad you enjoyed the flower photos. I wonder whether to leave the grey. It's just the process of growing it out that's awful!
What a lovely sho already!
Our garden is still very bare.
The project is juts like us humans hey, but sped up. We are all disintegrating!
Lovely to be out in the garden, can't wait to get out with Jack and Kitty. Like the high tor players t shirt! :-)
I'm so happy to see pictures of your blooms! Looking forward to seeing more. I love your collaged rug! Very cool. OH, and speaking of collage, your ATC is awesome. Love seeing all the layers and yes, Bea has some great pieces.
Wow! Your garden is blossoming with some very beautiful new life! The woven is fantastic and I love the graffiti paper! Busy bee you are!!
you know what? i LIKE you lots with your grey hair showing, you are gorgeous. yes i do remember that project of yours very clearly, and love the spring colours everywhere. i bet your garden will bea picture this spring.
It's amazing how good Woven still looks after so long outside. Isn't it great to be gardening again? Your crocuses are gorgeous and ahead of ours, but we do have hundreds of snowdrops. I've always wanted a witch hazel but we don't have the space. Love your rag rug and moon picture. The graffiti paper sounds interesting.
Thanks Rachel, things always seem to be early here.
Jason, you are so right!!It was great to be gardening again. I have been today too. I bet Jack can't wait to get outside too. Kitty will eat everything of course!
Hi LInda, good to see you. Glad you like my ATC. The rug is a rag rug. I like it too. Bea does do great things, doesn't she?
Hi Cat, I love the spring blooms, I'm glad you enjoyed the crocuses too. Glad you liked The Woven too and the paper. It has a long way to go yet.
Thank you soul, that's very sweet of you. It's the 'looking old' bit I don't like about grey hair! Glad you enjoyed the post. xxx
Heather, it has indeed survived remarkably well, hasn't it? Another year should see a lot more changes! I was in the garden again today. Oh joy. We lost most of our snowdrops out the back with the build. Ah well, we'll just have to plant some more.
I'm glad you like the rag rug, it was a bit different from my usual ones. Funny I keep getting a blue moon!! xxx
It is so nice to see The Woven again. Your creation was so original and it looks just as special now as when I first saw it. Love the graffiti pages too!
Woven wondrous-ness; I remember it well, look forward to seeing that in person.
I LOVE the pictures of you outside, you remind me so much of gran now it's lovely, only a skinnier version! LOL I also noticed the High Tor Players sweater Jay!
I spied a witch hazel just like that in town, was tempted but it was a bit pricey. So pretty with the little yellow tendrils.
Fabby crocus pictures, is that with my old camera? Ooh did you still want that phone? I'd forgotten all about it!
I was confused about the bit of text beneath your super 'graffiti' paper and spent awhile looking for 'this bag'?! lol
Wow I hadn't seen that rag rug either, it's really different, in a good way!
Gosh lots to see and comment about in this post mum :D xxx
Hiya Seth, thanks for calling in. It's survived remarkably well considering the awful weather that's been thrown at it! Glad you liked the graffiti paper too.
Ooh, what a long comment K. I know, I do look like Grannie, don't I? Ah well, it comes to us all!
I think those photos were all with my camera this time! The other one uses rather a lot of batteries. Yes, I'm still wanting a phone!
Sorry about the big about the bag. It's not clear, is it! The top layer of the graffiti paper is from my parcel and it was a paper bag!
I'm glad you enjoyed the post. Lots to see!
oh cool, that makes sense, thankuuu!
Looking forward to seeing you; will pinch the cam back again then, but will bring the phone! You'll find it takes brilliant pictures too (5mp), much easier carrying a phone ;-) xxx
Ooh, that sounds good about the phone. Great. do I need blue teeth???
~laughs~ nope, just a cable to plonk things onto your pc - I'll bring it and sort it for you :D xxx
Oh thank you!!
Hah, Buster makes me laugh. Lovely spring photos, will that Witch hazel be ok in the pot for an extended period of time? Love the last photo on your blog, the one of you in Spain.
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