I've been very naughty and not blogged for a week. Bad girl. Ah well, I was worn out from my trip. I set off late on Thursday 17th and Jason picked me up at the airport. It was about 11.45pm! Poor boy is normally in bed well before then. We stopped at a garage and Jason bought coffee for us both. We chatted all the way home of course.
Friday, June 18th. Jason's big day. Well, it was a funny day really. Sam had booked me into the hairdressing college for a trim and colour so we were up with the lark - took my lovely Jack to school then Sam dropped me off. What a strange experience it was. Everything the student does has to be checked and double checked so it's a bit of a long process. I chose a colour, 'light golden brown'. Well, it's almost black!! Still, I'm getting used to it. Luckily it's only a semi permanent so will wash out. Jason decided to work as we were out!!
It was back to J and Sam's and Ivor and Maureen (Ivor is J's Grandad) were there. We all went for a meal in a pub, which was lovely. Rene came too (Sam's Mum).
Jack was more impressed with his pudding than dinner:

Sam bought Jason loads of presents including an England football shirt with 'Green 40' on the back!

She also bought him a 40 year old bottle of wine! Plus lots of other bits and bobs. I chose 3 photos I thought Jason would like, that I had taken and Jim printed them off. Jason loved them and the frames we put them in.

Me and Jack before the meal.
We were all very full and headed back home to watch England play their next game in the World Cup. It was good of them to arrange it on J's birthday! Thankfully England won - but next we have Germany. AAAH!
There was an amazing sunset in the evening and I couldn't resist it, could I?

This is a joiner of the sunset. Do click on it if you have the time.
Sam took this rather lovely photo of Jason and me:

Jason and his Mummy - that's me!
And I took one of Jason and Sam:

I think Jason enjoyed his day - and we extended the celebrations with Jack's school Fete on the Saturday and a trip to a County Fayre on the Sunday. Gosh it was so busy.
I love school fetes, everyone was having fun, in spite of the odd heavy shower of rain! We had great fun in the 'Welly Wanging' contest too! Jason threw the furthest of the men and Sam threw the furthest of the women! What a pair of winners. No prize though, just the prestige. Here are a few shots:

Can you spot the Welly? This wasn't the winning throw.

I love this shot, not just because it shows Jack's fantastic throw (!) but all the people having fun too. Jack is so lucky going to such a lovely village school. It even has a little outside swimming pool.
Sunday was the Country Fayre and it was excellent too. It was a large affair, with lots of charity stalls doing tombola, craft stands and all manner of food stalls! There was also a dog show, but we missed that, although we saw dogs at every turn.

This gorgeous horse is known as a 'Suffolk Punch'. Everyone loved him.

Jack enjoyed a cuddle from this rather plush dragon.
Jason and Jack had a go at archery. Jack did very well and was very good. Jason scored 2 bulls eyes.
Kitty spent the day looking adorable!

She is beginning to form a few words now, such as 'ook' (look), Jack, Mum and Dad of course. She's not quite walking but stands for some time and has taken a step or two.

There were beautiful birds of prey.

This amazing chap decided to display its wings for us.

Jack shared his ice lolly with Kitty. Aaah.

Kitty collapsed!
What a great day it was.
On Monday Jason worked while Sam, Rene, Kitty and I went into Bury St Edmunds, having dropped Jack off at school.
We popped around the shops and enjoyed the beautiful sunshine. We went to our favourite cafe for lunch, where Kitty charmed the waitress:

I did a bit of gardening in the afternoon, clearing a bed for Sam to plant with annuals.
In the evening, Jason ran me to the airport again. The time seemed to whizz by.
Back in Shannon, the sky was wonderful:

It was a lovely break but it's always good to be home.
Sorry it's a bit long - I took 100+ photos in all.
Your family is precious. It sounds like, looks like, you had a great time. Can't hardly believe you have a 40 year old son. I like your hair color. Waiting for the person to check the solution is probably what made it so much darker than you thought it would be.
I had fun on my virtual vacation!
I love how BIG your son loves his Mama...always wonderful to see those types of pictures :) Of course, I am in love with Kitty, but the whole family is shine-y!
So much love!
And your hair looks beautiful! Curly hair seems to soak up the pigment more than the less lovely hair (tee hee) I love dark curls though...obviously.
Sorry to have rambled on, but I had some catching up to do...it's so hard for me to keep up with everything...
Love to you as always,
Hi Lisa. I'm just doing your 'Y' ATC!! I have a 43 year old daughter too! You are probably right about the hair colour. It was a bit of a shock.
Hiya, 2 lisas in a row! Oh he does love his Mum! He is great to cuddle too. Thank you for the lovely comments about my family. Everyone seems to like my hair but it was a bit of a shock! I have lots and lots of catching up to do too. Lovely to see you whenever you have time. xxx
~grin~ Lisa - she has a 43yr old daughter too - me! ;-)
Beautiful blog momma, lovely to see Jack and Kitty growing so fine. Super sunset shots too, and LOVE the welly wanging ones!
Smashing, thanks for sharing xxx
lol oops mum, snap! ;-)
Hi K, yes indeed it is you!! ha ha. Aren't we all getting old? I'm so glad you enjoyed the photos. Great sunsets weren't they? Well done for your essay/work/whatever!! I hope you enjoy your course. xxx
I so enjoyed reading about you and your beautiful family. Happy Birthday to your son. He is two years younger than my youngest child, my daughter. Your grand kids are adorable! DH liked the eagle! Your hair looks smashing!
LIfe is grand!
Gina, looks like everyone had a great time and enjoyed your visit! I know all about waiting in the chair of a student. I worked alongside dental students and each detail had to be checked by their professors before moving onto the next detail. It wasn't unusual for one filling to take 2 hours.
Love your banner by the way!
What fun you had!
Glad Jason had a good birthday and to see he's wearing the right shirt! Lovely photos - the school fete and County Fayre look great fun. I should think you'll be home for a rest after all that activity - you made the most of every minute.
Lovely blog entry, it ws a great trip, let's see what we can fit in in August! xx
Thanks all for the lovely comments and wishes. xx
All that and you are apologising for not blogging Gina - seems to me you only just had time to breath! Lovely photos and lovely birthday by the looks of it.
Hi Lynn, I love your upbeat comments. Thanks for them.
Lovely to see you Linda, I hope you're feeling 'up'. Thanks for the comments. I like your hair too!!
We did indeed Rachel. xx
Hello Heather, I was a bit worn out I can tell you but I love those kind of events. Back to gardening now!
I look forward to it Jason. xxx
Aw thank you Weaver. I must pop over to yours. I'm feeling guilty! We had a great time.
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