I am off to visit Sam, Jason, Jack and Kitty in about an hour's time. It is Jason's 40th birthday tomorrow (18th) so we shall be celebrating (and watching the football).
I am so proud of my big son. He was the most gorgeous, happy and smiling baby. Always cracking jokes (as he does now) and keeping his class at school entertained. Sadly he didn't do much work there!
He hardly went to school at all in his last year and I was always going to the local cafe, which had games machines in it - (he's very good at them even now) to drag him back to school!
I split up with his Dad when he was 9 and he never got on terribly well with my next husband. At 16, he moved down to London and lived with his real Dad. I missed him terribly but it was the right decision. After a variety of jobs (don't ask), he worked for Hays in London and worked his way up from the warehouse to a managerial position. Suited and booted he called it!
He moved to Canada Life and trained in Financial Services. After a spell with a large bank as one of the best salesmen of Financial Services ever, he set up his own company, Green Rose Financial Services, which he runs from home.
I always had faith in him and he has not let me down. He is of course also married to the lovely Samantha (Sam) whom I love like a daughter. You all know about their adorable children Jack and Kitty. Jason is a super father and not a bad husband! I am very proud of him.
I am very thankful on this Thursday for my first son Jason and love him to pieces.

Jason in his pedal car.

A recent photo of Jason with his Dad Ken.

The Green Family, Sam, Jack, Jason and Kitty. Happy 40th Birthday Jason for tomorrow.
I have joined an art community for women online, Called Milliande and here is the link:
Helen, one of the ladies there, liked one of my ATCs so we have done a swap. This is the cute ACT she sent to me:

Helen also enclosed these 2 lovely tags and card.

Our ABC/ATC Group, Second round is drawing to a close. We have now reached X and here are my latest ATCs received:

This one opens up to show this:

Mim sent it in a lovely envelope:

Isn't it just lovely?

All Marianne's ATCs have had a circle on them somewhere. I have printed it 'small'!!
Phew, now to move on....
I did a W for Weaving of course, which went to Mim:

Jim went to the UK for a meeting and extended his stay so that he could visit Sonny and Poppy and of course his children - not just the Grandchildren. Here are a few photos so you can see how they have grown:


Sonny has discovered grinding his teeth! I remember my daughter used to do that and it sounded as though they would shatter!

Still trying to smile with a mouthful of banana!

She is such a little doll!

Poppy with her rabbit

Sonny on his front - he still isn't crawling!

Sonny with a hairbrush and Poppy 'loving' her balloon! Apparently Poppy did Sonny's hair with the brush, but with the hard side - not the bristles!

Jenny with Sonny and Poppy in front of dad Joe.
Jim's son Russell and wife Caz have 2 new cats! So we mustn't leave them out. They were both rescue cats and one of them has a dodgy hip, which has been operated on - thus the big white shaved area. She is one year old and called Peppa.

The kitten climbed onto Jim's lap and fell asleep! The kitten is called Mitten!
What a lot to be thankful for.
I went to the airport to pick Jim up after his trip and his flight was delayed. I decided to find the 'viewing area' and watched a glorious sunset from there - and Jim's plane come in finally.

Before the sunset - a skinny moon and whispy cloud.

Sunset at Shannon Airport.

A close up of the amazing cloud formations.

The airport tower is on the left.

Then one more plane took off:

See you all next week, I'm back on Monday late.
Happy birthday to Jason. You have a lot to be thankful for BT. Have a great time.
Hope you have had a lovely time when you read this Gina. It is good how one's children turn out so well isn't it - just shows that love and belief in one's child pays off in the end.
Ahh what a lovely post. Thank you mother, I couldnt have done it without you. :-)
I think i also inherited from you the ability to always think I should do better and I guess not being great with receiving praise.
In saying that I am proud of what i have achieved, but feel there is much more I can do in all areas of my life.
Anyway, thank you for the lovely words. I am grateful to you for my life and being my mother. I love you as does my family. Look foward to the weekend.
Have a lovely trip Gina. Lovely family photos and ATCs, etc. Happy Birthday to Jason.
Have a good trip!
Glad you weren't offended by my ATC. I painted it as a lady with an anthurium :)
you sure have a lot to be thankful for BT! And I would be when I would read a comment like that by my son :)
Have a nice time!!!!!
You seem to have a lot going on in your life! Happy B-day to your son! Isn't it wonderful when they grow up and become all that they can be and it' not what you expected at all, but still wonderful? I love seeing what my children have become. I'm very proud of them both. You have a beautiful family!
You have a lovely family! Happy birthday to your son!
Many thanks for your Birthday wishes. We had a lovely time. :-)
Here I am, home again. Thank you Lisa, I had a super time.
Hello Pat, it's been lovely. So busy. You are so right about children.
Aw Jason, such a lovely comment, thank you. It's been a special weekend and I've loved it. I'm so glad you liked your photos too.
Thank you Heather and Rachel.
Thank you Marianne - oh I'm sorry, I htought it was a man with the anthurium!! lol. It's beautifully done, which ever. Hope you get back safely. Yes, what Jason wrote is lovely, isn't it?
Patty, thank you so much. I quite agree about children, you just never know.
Thank you Deborah, I think so too!!
Thanks again Jason, we did, didn't we?
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