Dublin Day
As I couldn't fit it all in yesterday, here is the rest of our day out.

This rather super garden was called 'Urban Idyll'. It was chosen by the Irish tv viewing public out of several gardens with the same subject, I understand. I loved the live ducks. They looked a bit confused! If you click on it, you can see the detail much better. There are 2 beehives too. The funny thing was, while we were watching, one of the helpers opened the top of one of the beehives and took out her rather large handbag!!

Here are the well behaved ducks. There was also a metal sculpture of a duck.

Jim took this one of me in my new 'Specsavers' glasses!
It was far too hot for this! She must have been cooked in trousers and a dress.

This trio was playing classical music - they looked very hot too and were in full sun. It was lovely to hear the music drifting across the park. The dark blood red flower is obviously one of the new ones out as several gardens had it on display. It's an astrantia major. I have the common one in my garden. I must have one of these.

The water ran up the side and along the front of the patio area. Very cooling.

This one of course was just 'me'! It was along the theme of re-use and recycle. The idea was to put cardboard down as a mulch and newspaper! The lady who designed it wore a marvellous hat!

What a marvellous characterful face. She took a photo of me in her garden!

This one showed a very economical way to use water, which ran down the chains shown here. It also had some more of the lovely foxgloves and large campanula in the foreground.
Jim took a rather better photo showing the 'rusty heap' sculpture in the centre. He is tall and can take shots from higher up!
So many ideas...

We had a walk round the walled garden, which had some gorgeous perennials on display. I loved this poppy.

Super colourful lanterns above one of the stalls.

Jim queued up to get 2 cups of 'Barry's' tea, our favourite. It was delicious.

Children were having a great time climbing this magnificent tree....

and swinging in these colourful hammocks.

There was a Fiat stall at the show and this Doblo stood alone - a little away from the rest of their cars. It looks almost luxurious, nothing like our old model - which is orange for a start!

This little girl looked so pretty all in her red outfit.
Me in my usual position! Camera in hand.
Time was getting on, so we headed to the bus stop to catch the shuttle bus back to the Galway bus. The queue was massive and when we did eventually get on the shuttle, it crawled along as the traffic was horrendous. We missed our bus, but one came along every hour, so we waited for the next one. I think I slept most of the journey home!
Hi dear friend, What wonderful pics of a fabulous day. I always feel like I was right beside you due to your excellent photos. That poppy is my favorite! I loved the kids climbing on the tree too. You look radiant - thanks for sharing today. Give my best to Jim and all the pets.
Oh what a happy day!
Love that big old tree!
You look great I love your curls
Like the glasses. It looks a great show, not sure about the 3 hour bus trip! Lady (designer) in the hat looks great. Whata fine Doblo. Looks and excellent post, and great write up.
oh what a smashing day, I'd have loved it too! Some super ideas even I might pinch a few (still drooling over yesterday's mosaic inspiration!).
You look lovely too momma xxxx
I love the water-down-the-chains and the poppies best.
What a wonderful day out! So much to see and hear and do. Really the feeling of the fun of the fair.
Nice tour, thank you.
I bet your head was spinning with ideas for your garden. That red flower is a must have for sure. The tree the children climbed is magnificent. I bet it has had children climbing it in many centuries.
Hello dear Mildred, I'm so glad you enjoyed the post. Isn't that poppy amazing? You are too kind - I don't feel very radiant at the moment! I possed on your good wishes to Jim.
Hi Marianne, what a great tree it is. I used to hate my curls as a teenager, but now I appreciate them.
Hi Jason, glad you like the glasses. Oh the bus trip was ok, lots to look at along the way, a bit bouncy! Glad you enjoyed the post.
Hi K, thank you for the compliment. You may be a little biased!! You will have to do some mosaics - I'm sure you'd be good at them.
Hi Rachel, yes, the water down the chains is a great idea. Bit difficult for us though not having mains water.
Thank you Arija, it was super.
Thank you Ellada.
Hi Lisa, oh I am brimful of ideas! Not many I can do though, but some for sure. I'm sure you are right about that magnificent tree. The children were like bees round a honey pot. Phoenix Park is just beautiful.
Wow, what a great trip you guys had. I bet Jim got lots of ideas for new things for the garden.
I put shredded newspaper in my garden for mulch and the birds took most of it for their nests.
Never heard of that kind of tea.
Your glasses look great and of course you look so happy! Why were those two people hanging on to that rope? And, yes she did look really hot. :)Bea
I like that the birds took the shredded paper for mulch Bea!! I mix paper with my compost. Barry's tea is an Irish brand.
I had to look a couple of times to find those 2 hanging onto the rope!! lol. When you said 'she looked hot' I thought you meant hot as in sexy! Then I realised what you meant. lololol. xxx
Great trip! I bet you got some fantastic ideas for your gardens too. Ducks could use a little more room, though.
Great hat! I think you'd look smashing in one of those while you work on your rock wall, don't you?
Lovely day out though, Gina. I did love those white poppies - they were so voluptuous. Loved the photo of Jim doing a balancing act with two teas, too. Have a nice weekend.
These two posts have been nearly as good as being there with you. More lovely gardens and plants. Love your new specs - very glam!
What a wonderful day! I love your new glasses!
It was good Bella thank you. I have too many ideas! Most of them totally impractical for our garden. Yes, I thought the ducks looked a bit squashed!
Isn't that hat wonderful? I think it would just fall off my head and I'd bash the rim into the rocks!
Hi Weaver, Jim queued for ages for the tea too! But we did need it. I just loved those poppies too. I planted lots of poppies in the garden today. You have a good weekend too.
Thank you Heather, I'm glad you like my new specs! It was a lovely show, I'd go again.
Thank you Deborah. xx
I have enjoyed y our last few posts so much. Love the flowers, the moths, the art, just everything. Lovely photos! Thank you for sharing all of this. Reminds me of my trips there. I think it's time for another trip! LOL
looks like a wonderful garden - and your pictures are just terrific!
Thank you so much Yvonne. You can always call on me when you next come!
Thanks Mim. There were lots of little gardens to see. Fabulous stuff.
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