
This gorgeous one from lolo is R is for Rabbit and Radish! Her whole theme is blue this time and I just love this cute fellow. It came in this pretty organza bag:

and was accompanied by this lovely card:

This is called 'Molly and the Night Toads' and is from the 'Purrmaids' series by Lolo. Isn't it just great?

Lynn is doing the Hebrew alphabet and this is the 18th letter meaning Ninety! She explains on the reverse:

Accompanying this was a cute little card and I think Lynn must be psychic:

Lynn must know that I still haven't finished the curtains for the sun room - ok ok, I'll get a move on Lynn!
To be Sent or Swapped
Firstly, my S for Snake in the Grass. This is going to Lolo!

I hope you like it Lolo.
The following 2 cards are to swap if anyone would like one of them - or both of course:


'Funky Fish'
I love ATCs!

It's all too hot for Buster.

An interloper? The Labrador is Max and he belongs to a couple who live over the back from us. He pops up over the field and meadow and comes to play with Buster! They do get a bit robust at times but it certainly gives Buster some exercise!

Of course he knows which side his bread's buttered. Jim and Buster having a love-in.

Something caught BlackJack's attention! the 2 on the right look the same! Oh well.
Garden News
The arboretum lawn is progressing slowly. Jim has seeded the dark section. It's much bigger than it looks and took some levelling on his part.

The stones that you can see are edging a new bed I made. It was a small bed with just a few plants in it, so it has in face been extended. It looks much better. The 'grey' area will remain 'road' or hard surface. It'll be lovely when the new grass grows.
Do you remember my Judas Tree? Last year it produced blossom for the first time but, because of the awful weather, it all fell off before it came out. Not so this year. Hurrah:

The blossom comes from the bare branches, which looks most odd! The tree was barely a foot high when we moved here so it has certainly grown:

Here it is in situ on the larger arboretum bed.
Jim grew some aquilegia from seed and planted them last year. They are absolutely beautiful:

This is a black one called Guinness! The flowers are a bit smaller than the others but still very pretty. Below is the front.

Do enlarge any of the photos if you have the time.

These aquilegia are from other parts of the garden but are still very pretty.

I love the way the sun has caught the petals.
Finally, I cleaned up our porch, which gets used as a general dumping ground!

Tidy boots and coats.

Our recycling bins!

Tidy shelves! It's good to get it clean once in a while. Jim's just laughed at my putting these photos up! It'll remind me of all the work I did that day!
I think that's enough excitement for one day. I have had a rotten cold, brought back from Kitty and Jack. The sunshine helps though.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Gosh, you have the most beautiful flowers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love your header also-looks like it belongs in a botanical garden.
I love your new header - you have a talent for placement and achieving an overall balance. That pic is BEAUTIFUL! It makes me want to stroll right in and sit on a park bench to read.
Love the photos. Got a cold from my grandkids, still have a cough, it's been two weeks and I'm sick of it.
I totally understand wanting to take pictures of an area that you finally get cleaned up and organized. If you did it right then you don't have to do it again and THAT'S REALLY GREAT! :)Bea
The weather is truly amazing at present isn't it? You can see why folks in sunnier climes live outdoors!
The ATCs are lovely, both the ones you receives and the ones you are sending- fun too!
Aqulegia are amazing flowers- they look almost impossible, no person could create something so fragile and intricate, could they?!
And...I post photos of places I've tidied too!!!
I always enjoy your pictures! The pets the garden!
And your new header is just awesome!
Know it is a piece of your garden, which must look fabulous right now!
The ATC's are just wonderful you got!
And your tidy pllace with coats.......gee I must do that too....
have a nice weekend!
Thank you for coming over and your lovely messages.
You have really created the most wonderful cottage garden and in such a short time space. Here is S.Australia with the heat and dry, it would take 20 years of nurturing and dawn to midnight care to achieve the same result.
Love, Arija
Your garden looks beautiful. All of your (and Jim's) hard work is paying off with beautiful blooms and design. The dog photos are so sweet. I have a crush on Buster. He is such a handsome dude. Beautiful atcs too. My fave is the bird of course. tee hee.. I hope you are feeling well by the time you read this. You have worked so hard you deserve a rest. Doesn't it feel good to get the mess straightened.?.
I'm lovin' all those ATCs. Lolos are excellent. And your little snakey fellow just brings a huge smile to my face. So cute!
Your garden is coming along so beautifully! Well, it should considering all the back-breaking work you and Jim put into it. And YES, put up those photos of the porch! It's a good way to document the fact that you got something important done.
Hello dear friends, What a lovely header photograph. I love all your pictures of Buster and BlackJack and oh the aquilega are so delicate and beautiful. So sorry to hear you have a cold which must be miserable especially with the hot weather. The ATC's are always so creative - thanks for sharing them. Sending a hug across the miles, Mildred
I love aquilegia.
Thank you Teri. We see that 'header' photo as we come out of our front door. It's lovely and so full.
Hello Patty, we do try! You're very welcome to come over and sit here.
Oh Bea, we both have presents from our Grandkids!! Mine is getting better now thankfully. Glad you appreciate my 'porch' photos!
Hi Heckety, it's even hotter today! Phew! Jim has lawn mowing to do before the promised rain later in the week. Aquilegia are truly amazing, I agree. I love them, so delicate. Glad you enjoyed the ATCs too.
Hello Marianne, I'm glad you enjoyed this post. Aren't my ATCs such fun? That part of the garden is one we've worked on the longest I would think, and it's beginning to show now.
Hello Arija, I would just get too depressed trying to garden in Australia, plus I don't really enjoy the heat. It's boiling here today. Phew! I love your blog too.
Hi Lisa. Do you want to do a swap for the bird one? I'm glad you like the garden and flowers. I just love them - as you can tell! My cold is improving thankfully and I'll tell Buster what you said! He's flaked out because of the heat again.
Hi Bella. My 'snakey fellow', ha ha, such a way with words!! Glad you enjoyed them. I'm glad everyone thinks I should publish photos of my clean porch!! Jim says we're all mad. Maybe.
Hello Mildred. I hope the sun is shining on Nalley Valley as it is here. I'm so happy that you enjoyed my post. I hope Harriet is ok and not too hot. Buster doesn't like it at all.
The garden is at its best in May/June I think although there are weeds and long grass everywhere! Thankfully my cold is subsiding now. Love to you and John. xxxx
Glad you approved Rachel. A nice quiet week for you! xxx
Oh dear, the coldounds as if it has not been good. We seemed to escape it being too bad.
The aquilegia look lovely, ours are just coming out now.
Excellent tidying! I did lots of that this weekend. Nice christening BBQ yesterday. Scortching! xx
Oh the cold's not been that bad Jason. Almost gone now. Just left with my tubes a bit bunged up! Nice! At least the sun's shining. Glad you enjoyed your BBQ. We think the aquilegia may all blow down in the next few days as they've threatened wind! Might try and stake some up. xxx
I always enjoy your photos!
Thanks Deborah.
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