Daffodils in the Orchard
It's remained warm in County Clare for about a week now. I always feel that when it's good weather I will garden and when it's bad, I'll do inside jobs. Well, there's been a distinct lack of inside jobs for a while!
I have concentrated my efforts the last couple of days in the orchard. The long bank to the left of the entrance was getting overwhelmed by weeds and brambles, so I set about removing them. Part of the bank is a bit like a rockery, but it had collapsed. Of course, I had to rebuild that too! One job always seems to lead to another.
At the top of the orchard was an area that used to be used for raising turkeys. There was an old turkey house and much wire netting and the whole area was full of stinging nettles and brambles. I tackled the house last year, moving it to the bonfire (see last post when I lit it) and cleared away much of the bramble/nettle combination. As well as doing the bank, I have just about cleared the rest of the persistent weeds and it is now ready for Jim to seed with grass. The more areas we can grass, the easier they are to maintain.
I did take some photos of the primrose bank although they're not very clear:

It looks a bit bare now but those brown clumps are ferns and they cover a huge area when they come out. The rockery looks a bit haphazard but I left any well bedded in stones and just added more when required. The 2 green bushes are escallonia, which I planted last year as tiny babies from a larger plant. I will prune them hard when they have flowered.
I ended up with a huge pile of stones! These have now been moved to the back yard for road building!

If I look left while sitting on the bench, this is the view:

The daffodils in the orchard have been wonderful this Spring. The first photo at the top is now my screen saver.

Daffodils in the orchard.

I took one last shot as the sun we going down:

I have just found the following photo, taken in June 2006, the year we moved in. The rose bush shown is opposite the bench:

We saw one swallow but it was obviously just passing through. We have seen a yellow brimstone butterfly and an orange tip - all good signs of the warmer weather.
Tomorrow is the final reveal of our 'Through the Rabbit Hole with Bea' pieces. I also have a number of ATCs to show you. I still haven't done my 'O' one. I might have a go now.
I hope everyone is having a good week.
Everything looks so beautiful and green and those daffs are fabulous!
I know what you mean about the inside of the house. I was just thinking about how awful our house looks right now. I hope we don't have company drop in. They will be shocked with the outside looking much better than the inside. Ha...
Your garden is really coming around. You have done so much work out there. I am glad you get to sit occasionally and enjoy all your hard work.
You work so hard and your property is beautiful as a result. I hope Jim realizes what a gem he has in you. Where you get all your energy is beyond me. Could you bottle some of it and send it across the pond, to me? :)Bea
You work so hard and your property is beautiful as a result. I hope Jim realizes what a gem he has in you. Where you get all your energy is beyond me. Could you bottle some of it and send it across the pond, to me? :)Bea
I'm finally getting around to catch up on all my favorite blogs. I love your bench and garden setting.
What a lot of work you put in to your garden! You put me to shame.
Thats looks a lovely place to sit in the sun. xx
super pictures, really shows how everything's changed with all your efforts!
Love the orchard sooo much. :D
The orchard area is so lovely and your daffodils are gorgeous. Spring is such a beautiful time of year.
Thank you Teri.
Hi Lisa. Oh my house is a mess!! But I love gardening and hate housework!!
Thank you Bea. I think Jim does appreciate me! He does a lot too! Energy in the post tomorrow!
Thank you Patty. It's a lovely, quiet place to sit.
You do so many other things Rachel. Writing books for one!! I just love gardening the best.
It is indeed Jason. We shall sit there together.
Thanks K. We must have a bonfire there on your next visit.
You are so right Heather, Spring is just fabulous. I feel re-energised.
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