Jim and I have spent the past few days tackling some of the mess left by the builders. We are hoping to extend the lawn from the arboretum almost to the cottage. This area is full of stones at the moment! Jim has been digging up huge stones that were in the way and pulling soil from various heaps over the flattened area to form the lawn. We'll have to leave it to settle for a while before we sow grass seed.

Sandy made a nest for himself under the bird feeders! The birds just ignored him.

I have been using a mattock and it's been hard work. I usually stay out until it's getting dark, about 9pm and am really stiff by then!
Family Photos
I have 'lifted' a few photos of my family so I thought I'd post some of them:

My youngest son Ben with his girlfriend Hayley in Thailand where they had a holiday before Christmas.

Naturally I love this one of Ben!!

I love this photo of Jack keeping the dinosaurs at bay!

2 Pretty Ladies, Sam and Kitty. Ready to go out.

Lina's new haircut. Very smart.
It was my Granddaughter Kirsty's 24th birthday yesterday (Tuesday). She is a classroom assistant so had to go to work, but the children sang 'Happy Birthday' to her and she received lots of cards and presents. Here are a couple of photos from her special day:

She met her fiancee for lunch at Burger King!

I had been a long day. Kirsty all ready for bed. She is such a pretty lady. I was there when she was born - and with Lina too!

A yellow tulip almost out

Fabulous to see all the family pictures! Well done re the garden diggage, looks super too! :D xxx
You and Jim have been working so hard. You deserve a rest. Slinging a mattox isn't for sissies. I am impressed. All of those stones could be another wall. What will you do with them? You have a beautiful family. I can see the love oozing off the screen.
You are working so hard it's making me tired! I love the pics of your son at Dinosaur land - he looks like he's a lot of fun to be around. and the t-shirt pic is too fun, now there's a good kid!
How serendipitous! I was writing about a mattock yesterday!
What a mammoth task you've started on!
you have such a lovely family and they all seem to love each other and you!!! lucky lady
Lovely mix of pics. Very cool shot of Ben and Hayley.
Glad we are seeing you soon. xx
You two never fail to amaze me with all the hard work you do non-stop! The Deenery looks wonderful because of it - but still! My goodness!
Wonderful family pics Gina! I felt like I was having a lovely visit with them all.
Thank you K, glad you liked the family piccies and garden ones.
Hi Lisa. I'd rather do the 'slinging mattock' jobs than planting and such like! We have tons of stone. We just use it where it suits, walls, edging, anywhere really. Thank you for the lovely comment about my family. xx
Hello Patty, Jason is a great guy with a super sense of humour! As you can see. Ben, the youngest with the t shirt is also funny in his own way!!
Well that is strange Rachel. All the jobs here seem to be huge!
Mim, you are right and I'm very lucky. Even my daughters in law!! And I love them too.
Hi Jason, quick visit will be fun, won't it? Jim's suggestion. It'll be great to see I & M too. Glad you enjoyed the family photos.
aims, how are you? I'm glad you enjoyed the post. I still haven't finished my bit of garden!! Almost there though. I'm happy you enjoyed the family photos. They're a great bunch.
Lovely family pics Gina - hope Jack enjoys school. You've a hard task making that lawn area but it's already taking shape. Sandy is obviously foreman and Buster is Jim's right hand man!
Hello! What a lovely post with all these beautiful family photos. It is so funny to see Buster and his long legs trying to sit in Jim's lap! You have really done some superb work getting the yard cleared. I'm taking a little time off from blogging but I'll be checking in with you. Wishing you both a super weekend.
Oh boy, Gina. You and Jim are working so very hard. I used to garden on land that was very rocky, so I can sympathize with you on just how backbreaking it is. My goodness, you are making excellent progress!
And what a wonderful family you have. Such a fun and loving bunch! Hahahaha, Dinosaur Land looks like fun.
I loved your jellyfish story, by the way! The best story I got. :)
Wonderful pictures Gina!
What a lot of work, but now the extention is done soon your garden will be beautiful!
Kitty is grown into a little cutie!
Good to see everyone so happy!
Have a nice day
No ashes falling down there????
Thank you Heather. You can't beat family! I love your comment about Sandy and Buster. That's about right! Jim's back's a bit iffy at the moment so he's taking a rest from working on the chain gang!
Mildred, I wondered where you'd gone. I clicked on your blog a couple of times and it doesn't come up. I hope you and Nalley are ok. Thank you for your lovely comments. Buster still thinks he is a tiny dog! Keep well and in touch. xx
Thank you Bella. It is hard work but gratifying when it's done. We'll never finish it though! I'm glad you liked my little story. I love love your jellyfish drawing (and all the others of course).
Hi Marianne, I'm glad you enjoyed my family photos and garden tales. I don't think it will ever be finished! No ash here - we have been lucky considering how 'close' we are. Love to you. xxx
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