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How Does My Garden Grow?

Primula 'Wanda' is just amazing.

So many flower heads.
Our Winter flowering pansy basket has just sprung into life!

A lovely deep red saxifrage, covered in flowers.

A fat bee diving into the 'Wanda' flower for nectar.

The red bracts of the Pieris Forresti are coming out now.

I only planted this aubretia a couple of weeks ago.

Above our little stream (now dry), the bank is covered with violets. Do click on the photo to see them properly.

A stunning white and orange primula.

One of the many tulips - I love them.

There are so many of these pretty little narcissus still to come out. Last year they were all leaf and no flower.

Jim planted a few special bulbs last Autumn. These raggy white/blush pink tulips are so delicate.
I think my favourite are the daffodils below. I just love them:

We have a whole small bed of these narcissus.

Magnolia Stellata with a berberis behind.

Below the magnolia is this tulip (and some others).

Magnolia Stellata close up.

Sculptural tulip buds against an olive bush. Sadly the olive is one of the plants we have lost due to the severe Winter we had.

These cheerful little tulips are under the Magnolia too.

This is a joiner I took from down by the cottage. It gives quite a good view of the front garden. Do click on it to enlarge.
I hope you've enjoyed a look around the front garden.
Mother Nature has truly blessed you with a green thumb!
Thank you Melissa. And a sore wrist today too!!
Oh, ah, wow, beauteous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow, some really lovely shots there! I love the saxifrage and the amazing raggy innards daffodils, so pretty :D xxx
I forgot how much I love saxifrage, and that magnolia is stunning.
Ooh, gorgeous! Is it finally spring? Really?
Flowers to make the mouth water...
Just popped over to let you know that there is an award for you over at mine :-)
C x
Ps. Those flowers are absolutely stunning!! Any chance you fancy coming to our and doing our garden? No? Oh :-(
Thanks Teri!
Glad you like those special daffies too K. I love the saxifrage too. We also have a rather nice white one.
Thanks Rachel. Lots of magnolia petals on the ground this morning. Boo.
I think it must be Sue! Hurrah!
Thanks Jinksy. xx
I would if you were nearer Carol! I'll pop over to see my award. Woo hoo!!
Gorgeous photos. Your yard is looking beautiful. Our spring is slowly arriving, there are a few trees that are showing tiny little green leaves. My plum tree is trying to blossom. I'll have to go back and look at your wonderful photos to enjoy flowers blooming. :)Bea
Wonderful pics Gina - all my favourite flowers too. I love this time of year and your garden must look like Paradise.
What a wonderful tour of your Spring! Your photos are wonderful. I felt so enriched and happy going through them all. Thank you so much for sharing!!!
What a wonderful tour through your lovely spring garden. I like the way you have used the rocks to create borders. Those primulas look fantastic. Every time I see them I want to try them. I think our winters are too cold for them to return in our garden. Beautiful color.
What a wonderful garden you have! Everything is gorgeous!
Thank you Bea. I'm glad Spring is finally putting in an appearance in Wisconsin!
Thank you Heather. Parts of the garden look lovely but the parts the builders demolished we're still working on!!
What a lovely comment Elizabeth. I'm so glad you enjoyed my Spring flowers. xx
Are your winters that bad Lisa? Primulas are fairly tolerant. They give so many flowers for little attention. I'm so glad you enjoyed the photos. We have a lot of rocks in the garden so it seems a shame not to used them.
Deborah, thank you so much. xx
Your gardens are beautiful, they give me real inspiration. My favorite flowers are tulips and forget-me-nots. Here in B.C. spring has sprung and I'm having lots of fun in the garden also. Your blog is great, I love it.
Thank you Dianne. I love gardening. I'm glad you have a good Spring too. Thank you for the compliment re my blog.
I am green, green, green with envy at that Primula Wanda - mine look so weedy after that!
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