Artist Trading Cards
Teri sent me this marvellous Irish Zentangle ATC with shamrocks. Teri, you rock! I love it:

ATC/ABC Round 2. K is for Katydid

Teri also enclosed a fabulous lolly stick book mark:

I did K for Kiss

L for Love, Ladybird, Lovebirds and Laughter.

Rag Rug
I finished the rag rug I was making for our new bedroom. The colours aren't quite true to life as it actually goes very well with the Amish quilt, show below. I have made it thick and tight and it weighs a ton.

I used the base of the rug I washed in the machine which fell apart!! Luckily the border was still intact.
I also promised, a long time ago, to post a photo of the Amish quilt Jim and I bought on eBay. I just love it and it goes beautifully on our bed:

Sandy has taken to sleeping in one of my material boxes - when he's not on my chair:

How comfortable he looks!

Today Jim and I carried on clearing the wood below the orchard and it looks so much better. I did take some photos but I might save those until tomorrow. Also some of Buster - as he hasn't featured for a while.
Happy Easter Monday everyone.
having seen that quilt first hand I concur it's beautiful, and such a super rug to match! Well done mum, beautiful job.
Loved Sandy peeking out lol
The rainbow in your banner is stunning!
love the quilt and rag rug too.
Great find and creation!
My mess is messier than your mess, believe me.
Oh I'm glad you liked the things I sent.
I always love your ATC's Gina.
Gorgeous gorgeous quilt.
You made that wonderful rug?!! WOWZers!!
You have been busy!!
hello gina, what a fun mishmash! i like following you atc girls: you are so good to one another!
lolo said i had to come here to see your header, she said the previous one is your actual view: wow. i've always thought of ireland as one of the most beautiful countries on the planet.
What a fabulous quilt!
Boxing your cats is a handy way to store them.
i adore that rug and the amish quilt is quite fantastic. do you know i have never ever bought anything on e bay, you are so brave! love my love atc too. thanks. happy belated easter to you and jim.
Thank you K, the Sandy photo is cute, isn't it?
Hi Lynn, credit for the header this time goes to my husband Jim. It's the most complete rainbow I've ever seen in a photo of ours.
I'm glad you like the quilt and my rug. I'm also glad that someone else is as messy/messier than I am!
Of course I loved the things you sent Teri. Your zentangle is in front of me on the wall, it's so lovely.
Hello kj, so good to see you. I'm glad you like the header, as I said above, my husband Jim actually took that photo. I couldn't resist 'pinching' it! The last header was the view from just down the road. We can see Lough Graney from our land but have to walk 10 minutes to catch that stunning view.
Ha ha, Rachel.. You made me laugh out loud with you 'boxing up cats' comment! Very good.
Hi soul, I hope you are well and have enjoyed Easter and I'm glad you liked your ATC. I used to sell a lot of china on ebay so have no fear of buying things that way. Most sellers are genuine people and want their buyers to be happy. The price of the quilt was ridiculous, about £20. Jim felt guilty that we didn't have to pay more but the lady was quite happy that it was going to be used at last.
I LOVE THAT NEW HEADER! What a great shot. Your rug is wonderful. I bet it feels good on your feet when you walk on it. Hope you had a good Easter, lots of chocolate and jelly beans. :)Bea
LOVE the quilt (of course!) and the rag rug! Also the zentangle shamrocks, they'ye really clever, and the musical mermaid made me laugh! The lolly stick bookmark is a good idea too, and the pictures on it are fun!
I'm glad you like the new header Bea. Jim took it, I can't take credit for it. Jelly beans?? We don't have those at Easter! I had one egg in a Cadbury's Mini Egg Mug, which I chose!! It's half gone and most of the mine eggs inside are too!
I'm happy that you like my rug, it is nice and thick to walk on.
Hello Heckety, I knew you'd like the quilt! I'm glad my mermaid made you laugh! I know I'm not very good at drawing! Glad you also like my rug, I am rather pleased with it. I love the zentangle ATC, it's on my wall in front of me.
I love your ATC's - the mermaid is especially whimsical. What a fabulous quilt. I know your rug compliments it very well. That Sandy sure does look comfy! I bet Buster is jealous he can't get in there! Your header picture is one of the prettiest yet. Hope you have a lovely week dear friend.
Love your goodies from Teri and your rag rug. The quilt is gorgeous and Sandy knows a cosy spot when he finds it.
Hello Heather, I'm glad you like my rag rug - you being the expert! BlackJack's in her tonight!
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