A drop of melting snow hangs from bronze coloured bracken
Buster and I have an Adventure. Part 2
Buster and I ploughed on through the bog and the sun even made an effort to come out. I had thought I might walk to the house of Clare and Terry, a couple I had met a short while ago. They said 'walk through the bog path and turn left when you get to the road'.

When we drive along the road going to the main road, we cross a river. This same river travels through the bog:

I passed another pond on the other side. Can you see that branch hanging down, covered in lichen?

As the sun beamed more strongly, the droplets on all the trees shone out. I tried to capture this feature, but only one photo was even half a success:

If you click on it to enlarge it, the droplets show more clearly.
I came to a turning to the left which obviously had a gate at one time, so I guessed Clare and Terry must live along that road.

It's wider here and even has a little beach.
I came to another gateway and went through it and could see the house up ahead:

The road was hard to walk on, it was either very icy or had humps and bumps from the cows! Still, we carried on until we reached the farmhouse. Hmm, I guess I took the wrong turning:

So I walked past the cottage into a field which led to the lake again:

I took this to show my shadow deliberately. Now what I didn't fancy was walking back the same way. My feet were a bit wet. Also, there used to be a style across the farmer's fence and now that this route is no longer the East Clare Way, he has sawed down the style and put barbed wire across it. The only way I could get through was to crawl under it! I looked from the edge of the lake to my left and could see the fishing stand where I usually take Buster, behind Kevin's farmhouse:

When I was nearing the Fishing Stand, Buster disappeared:

But I soon spotted him way out on the Fishing Stand, back on familiar territory!
I took 200 or so photos so I have spared you a lot of them! I walked home hurriedly with my soggy feet and trousers and was greeted through the window by the lovely Billy Boiler:

Today it's been sunny apart from one flash of lightening and one clap of thunder, followed by a quick hail shower. I did some work outside, clearing fallen branches and twigs from trees in the orchard and moving an old turkey house that Jim had demolished last spring, onto the bonfire. It was dark by the time I came in and I was quite tired. Jim had been painting and he was worn out too. We watched a little tv and before long, both of us were asleep!
I hope you enjoyed the 2nd half of my walk. I'll add a couple more photos that I rather liked for those who're interested.

The skeleton of a barn at the old farmhouse.

This old ladder was completely rusty - it was the same colour as the iron roof.

A wind farm on the distant hills, the Fishing Stand and grasses in the foreground.

Grasses reflected.

Ice patterns - enhanced.

Purple Loose strife standing proud.
I hope every one's enjoying their weekend.
I just read and scrolled down thorough your wonderful wet walk, to ice and snow and more! Love following you with your beautiful photography. Thanks for taking me along.
I can see why you wanted to take picture after picture. What a wonderful walk. :)Bea
bt - these are beautiful and rich pictures and your words make me feel as if you are right there talking. i love thepictures of your area - you're very very lucky people to live in such beauty!!! thankyou for sharing it here. steven
Ireland sure is beautiful. I love your little 5 acres of ground, you have lots to explore. It's so fun to see where people live, it helps to imagine what your life is like. Thanks for sharing!
You've excelled yourself, these photos are completly stunning.
Splendid. What a shame that farm was abandoned. The last photo is stunning.
What a fantastic walk - I love all those wild, untouched places. If I was 30yrs younger I'd want to buy that derelict farmhouse and restore it - it's in such a wonderful location. The ice patterns are amazing. Glad you had a warm house to return to.
What a wonderful walk. It looks like your area is mostly thawed out. I love seeing the moss growing on the fence posts etc. I bet Billy was a delightful sight by the time you returned home.
Thank you Lynn, I did enjoy it, in spite of my wet feet.
Thanks Bea, I thought you'd love the ice patterns photo.
Thank you so much steven. It is very beautiful around here and I'm so pleased to be able to show it to everyone.
Thanks Pak Art, I'm glad you've enjoyed what you've seen so far. It is great to see where other people live and to catch up on their lives. I love it.
Denyse, thank you so much.
Hi Rachel, it is sad, isn't it? I guess they had trouble with water and electricity maybe. It is quite out of the way, but you could drive to is with a 4 x 4. Right by the lake too. I've forgotten which the last photo is. I must go and see!!
I know just what you mean Heather, it looks fabulous doesn't it? And quite large for an Irish cottage too. Maybe someone will buy it one day. I loved the ice pattern photo, it calls for someone clever to do a painting or a quilt.
I'm glad you enjoyed it Lisa. Yes, most of the snow hs gone now but some ice still remains. I can't describe how wonderful it was to see Billy's flame shining through the window as I was quite cold by then, especially my feet.
Hello, all looks lovely (expecially the boiler)! All back to green here thankfully (for the time being).
huzzah, smashing pictures, lots of lovely green again! Here too the roads are clear so all systems are tentatively go for the weekend! :D
LOVED the ice patterns one especially, wish I could paint.
Thanks Jason, the boiler's wonderful!! We are mostly green now to. Hoorah!
Hi K, glad you enjoyed it and the ice patterns are gorgeous, aren't they? I wish I could paint too. My latest ATCs I'm trying to draw! Not bad so far. So glad the roads are clear. Fingers crossed.
You took some lovely photos - despite the wet feet!
Thanks Jinksy!
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