Flagmount reflected in the water of Lough Graney, County Clare. No longer covered in snow and ice. What a difference. Do click on any of the photos to see the details.
I could have sung 'It's a Beautiful Day' (Queen) or 'Oh What a Beautiful Morning' (Oklahoma),
such was the joy I felt when I awoke to a beautiful blue sky and the sun shining on the garden. Jim and I were heading off to Limerick and beyond today to pick up a settee we bought on e-bay. We couldn't take Buster so we took him for a good walk first thing to the woods and Lough Graney. On my last visit, the photos I took were rather like this:
We could see from our land that the reflections would be astonishing and we were not disappointed.

This shot was taken from the lane walking down to the wood and the view was on our right. I like the way Jim has included the fence posts in the foreground leading your eyes to the view.
Although the sun was shining, it was still quite low in the sky and made the following shot:

As Jim had the camera, there are one or two photos of me, for a change:

The inside of the wood looked beautiful, with dappled sun on the trees and the wood's floor.

I love those long shadows and if you click on the photo, you can see wonderful patches of colour on the ground.
Jim asked me 'Do I have to take the bull rushes shot?' and of course I said 'yes'. If you have seen any of my lake photos, you'll know I always have to photograph the bull rushes!

And here they are. Only one of them has a 'head' on it now. I can't wait for the new crop to start growing. Maybe there'll be more than 3 this year.

Buster's always ready for a drink when he reaches the lake side.
Just round the corner and we reach the rocks. The reflections were outstanding and I had to pose for Jim! But first, a quick 'joiner' of Flagmount:

I must learn how to get rid of those lines. One day...
Jim took so many of me on the rocks, I stuck them all together!!

Jim and I felt quite exhilarated while we were walking and Buster seemed full of bounce too. It's amazing how different you feel with warm sun shining down and no bitter wind or frost to freeze your toes.
As we took a last look over to the mountains in the distance, there seemed to be multiple reflections. It was into the sun, but I think the following photo worked rather well:

Look at those little puffy clouds above the hills.
When we arrived home, we settled Buster with a large bone and a bucket of water (he prefers a bucket to his bowl) and away we went to the wilds of Newcastle West.
It was quite a long drive but we arrived in plenty of time and even managed to find the 'peach coloured house through a peach coloured gate'. None of the smaller villages have any name signs, so it's all a bit hit and miss when trying to locate somewhere. The settee is lovely, a rich brick red terracotta colour and it will match our sunroom beautifully. It was, however, rather large! We had come armed with rope and managed to secure the settee mostly inside the Doblo, with just a bit hanging out of the back. Luckily it was still sunny. The delightful lady selling the settee had taken all the cushions off and washed them for us. We paid a ridiculously cheap price for it as it was. Wasn't that kind of her?
We were going to call and do some shopping but with the back doors roped together, decided it wasn't a good plan and headed home, with a brief stop at MacDonalds, as we hadn't eaten yet. It was dark by the time we left and, with the back doors open, a bit cold in the car!
Oh, I forgot to mention that there is a large 'Dunnes' Apartment store next to MacD's, so we went in there to buy a paper. Well, they had a sale on. I came out with some new trainers and a new coat plus a lovely double duvet cover and pillow cases! Then we went home!
All together a most successful and satisfying day. The settee is already in situ and looks super.
Off to the UK
I am off on Friday to the Derbyshire end of the UK to visit my daughter K and her family. It's far too long since I last saw them all so I was determined to go in January. I am really looking forward to seeing them all. I have no doubt I will eat far too much and be spoilt rotten. Here's hoping! Please don't let it snow.
Sorry this is a bit long. Happy Thursday everyone. Woo Hoo. That's just a joyful shout.
I feel quite honoured to be guest photographer for this blog. I hope I managed to maintain the standards. I was a bit lucky because it was such a wonderful day.
I think you did very well, almost as good as the resident photographer!
stunning stunning pictures. they shimmer and shine.
you have a good life, gina. i'm happy knowing that. ♥
Wow. You are surrounded by so much beauty. Thanks for sharing.
What a fantastic day for a walk with Buster. Jim's photos are outstanding and it's nice to see you in the pictures for a change! You look lovely and Buster is charming as usual! Can't wait to see your settee. Hope you have a safe and nice trip with your daughter.
loved that last photograph. How splendid!
bt the photography is stunning. the reflections in the lake are so pristine and centred it's absolutely breathtaking!!! have a lovely visit to the pennines. derbyshire holds special memories for me - i walked across mam tor each time i went home - following in my mum and dad's footsteps. then i walked the pennine way from edale. it is a magical place that calls to my heart. steven
Lovely pics, sounds a great day. Hope you have a good trip up north.
It is amazing what a bit of sun and warm temps can do for the soul.
Thank you kj, you are very kind.
Glad you enjoyed it Linda. xxx
Aw Mildred, thanks. I look a bit overweight at the moment, something I shall try and see to when I return from my trip! I'm so glad you enjoyed the post and Jim's photos.
Thanks Rachel. Jim was rather pleased with that last one.
Aw steven, my brother and sister in law used to live in Hope, which you will know from starting the Pennine way I should imagine. I lived with them for a while and my children have fond memories of their farm and living overlooked by Mam Tor (The Shivering Mountain). It is a beautiful area indeed. I'm glad you enjoyed Jim's photos today.
Thank you Jason. xx
You are so right Lisa. Today it's raining! Ah well, can't have it all.
Stunning scenery and great photos. Thanks so for sharing. You have such a magnifient head of hair. Wow.
Well, you have fun on your trip.
What a grand lot of pictures. What fun to see you in Perfect Form doing you dives. lololsnort
Pictures of the couch, please.
Pictures of where it ends up, please.
So much fun to see you! I was waving, did you see me? :)Bea
Nice that you allowed your guest photographer on to you blog BT. I too felt that spring was almost in the air over the last couple of days Gina - I do hope we are not disappointed - anything you get we shall no doubt get a few days later.
Jim's photo's are stunning - the reflections are perfect - the air must be so clean and clear there. Your settee sounds great - I always enjoy buying or making things to make home more comfortable or attractive. Have a good trip to the UK and safe journeys.
Have a beautiful day ~
Hugs, Marydon
PS Please check your following settings to follow me at the new blog ~
Thank you Lynn. I have my father to thank for my hair.
Bea, I did see you, I did ~waves back~!! I'm glad you appreciated my diving abilities!
The flash on my camera no longer works as I broke it when I fell over. Doh! And I forgot to take a piccy of the couch. Now you'll have to wait until Monday! Sorry. We still haven't painted the walls though.
Hi Weaver, he wasn't bad, was he?? lol. I'm glad you've had spring like days too. It's rained here today! Typical.
I'll pass on your compliments to the guest photographer Heather! It was an amazingly clear day. It is lovely making the new area more homely. The settee is really comfortable too. I'll show it on Monday evening or Tuesday most likely. Early start tomorrow. xxx
Hello Marydon, good to see you. And thanks for the new link. I'll save it.
Whoo hoo see you tomorrow! :D
Jim took some amazing pictures, the reflections ones had everyone here going wow.
Hey you can still blog while you're here too, lots of pcs, laptops and cables for getting pictures off devices! ;-) lol love you mum xxx
What a beautiful part of the world.
Love the photos!
No signs on the villages? What madness is that?
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