I took Buster for a walk yesterday and it was really misty, in fact I think we were in a cloud. I didn't take my camera as it was so damp and uninspiring. Until I got down the lane to Kevin's. The grass was covered in tiny droplets, like dew. Even the wire had drops on it. It was quite magical, so I walked back home, picked up the camera and off I went again. Note to self: always take camera, just in case. I was quite pleased with the results. I did some as black and white and some colour. I'll show the colour ones here:

Cow hair on barbed wire

Graney in the mist

Hair on barbed wire

Drops of mist on the wire

Drops of mist on sedge flowers. They look like jewels.

A tuft of grass on a fence post.

A cobweb on barbed wire.

Mist on dried grasses.

Barbed wire and sedge

Mist drop angles.

Drops on the wire.


Barbed wire and jewelled grass.

Glass drops.

Here I had a play with colour.

Little white flower.
Criss cross grasses.


Tea anyone?

Grass spear.
I took over 100 photos in all. Some of them were out of focus because my glasses kept steaming up! Buster eat loads of blackberries and got very bored! Then he found a bees' nest and got stung on his back and ear and we had to make a run for it! I was pretty wet and had to change all my clothes. Buster didn't seem to worry too much about the stings.
It has to be a really fine mist to produce these results so I'm so glad I went back for my camera.
It's my birthday next weekend so we are putting Buster in kennels and having a weekend of outing and
abouting. I hope the sun shines for once.
Hi some good blogs. Just back from London. Some really good, professional pics. The tuft of grass and some of the jewelled cobwebs I'm sure would sell in a good frame.
Just beautiful. Nature made beauty, man made jewels do not compare to these.
What utter beauty in such simplicity
Lucky, lucky day!
Isn't it amazing that grass will grow anyplace except in the lawn. tee hee... Poor Buster getting attacked by the bees. He probably had that big snout down there sniffing to see what was going on.
Isn't it amazing that grass will grow anyplace except in the lawn. tee hee... Poor Buster getting attacked by the bees. He probably had that big snout down there sniffing to see what was going on.
Your photos of water droplets on the wires and grasses are so beautiful. It doesn't matter that you can't see the view when there are so many delights close at hand. Glad Buster is none the worse for his bee stings and hope he enjoys his weekend away! Have a great time yourselves and Happy Birthday when it arrives.
Wow, what a smashing collection of photos! Beautiful... although I also adored the old kettle :-) xxx
Those droplets are so beautiful BT - love them. You ask about photos on Etsy - my d-i-l opened a Flikr site but don't think she sold many - there are so many sites available - so I can't really answer your question - but today's photographs are really beautiful - surely somebody would love to display them on their wall.
Those photo's are just amazing BT!! Isn't nature amazing!!!
C x
bt this is a simply stunning set of photographs - they are beautiful!!!! i cannot believe that you managed to get so many that turned out so well!!! what a talent. what a great set of fogged over eyes!!!!! brilliant. thanks for this. steven
Oh! These photos are magical!My girls used to call dew drops 'fairy diamonds' and these photos prove they really are!
Wonderful pictures. Better then the jewel trees you can buy!!
Happy belated birthday Kay, hope life is treating you well :)
With all that beauty hidden in the mist, did you hear the fairies laughing as well? That was a good lesson to take the camera whenever you move. That's why I call mine my hand extension. I even have it on my lap ready for action when driving.
Superb photos, thank you for your visit and alerting me to them. Scotch mist is drenching but wonderfully rewarding.
May I, should the occasion arise, borrow one of them or at least part of one to illustrate a poem or story should the spirit so move me? I would of course fully acknowlafe the fact that it is yours.
Thanks again for the wonders f this walk you took me on.
Isn't it a strange feeling to walk through a cloud. We were staying at the home of a friend once in Switzerland, a true mountain chalet and our room was at the very top. One morning I opened the little square window as I began to get dressed and soon noticed I couldn't see a thing. The clouds had come right into the room!
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