Jim has been carrying on with the shed and also pruning the shrubs around it. Then he painted one of the old ploughs that we have and finally one of the garden gates! That's what happens when you get up early. So many hours to fill.
I did some weeding around the sleeping shed and also swept the veranda of same. It was full of leaves and dirt and sticks so took some sorting out. One of the shrubs Jim pruned was a red dogwood, it's in the photo above. It had lots of rooted 'babies' around it, which I took down to the wood at the side of the arboretum and planted there. This little wood is next to our road that the neighbours use for access to their land, so I'm planting lots of things down the edge as it's very open at the moment. It will look good too, so that will be a double benefit. I have also planted some on the bank I've recently cleared at the side of the vegetable plot.
Finally, I had a go at the muddy path I mentioned in my last blog. Once I started to clear the weeds, a ghastly smell pervaded the air. It was so wet and the water had gone stagnant and the mud smelt foul. I scooped the weeds off the top and as much mud as I could. Yuk, not a nice job. Having cleared it all, it does look much better already and the smell is definitely sweeter. Unfortunately the bottom section then filled up with water again. Discussions ensued and we've decided to put some more drainage in to prevent the same thing from happening again. So I can't build this bit of road until we've sorted that out. My back knew I had worked hard and is still throbbing a bit.
It's odd not having any workmen around as it's the weekend. Jim took this photo of the cottage and extension, now with lintels over the windows and patio doors, from the road leading to our neighbours' cottage.

Let's hope we get some sun this year.
Jim also got a bit excited about the catkins around Doorus, so here are his photos:

Just to remind everyone of my husband Jim's new blog. On a botanical theme, do go and support him.
Lovely indeed!
I must admit, I get quite excited with anything that indicates spring is on its way, and catkins are such an obvious sign. And I love the way they appear like magic on the bare stems. I feel a blog coming on ... "Nuts about catkins"
Thanks Rach and Twisted Willow. Sounds a good title to me.
What I would not give for some of your water! Our soil is dry to the depth of many feed and most of my garden is dead including trees. Not a drop of rain for months and before that minimal autumn, winter and spring rains. We only have drinking water left. During this torrid summer of over 44 degree heat with burning winds, we had nothing to water with.
Nice to see someone with a flourishing garden.
Oh Arija, it must be really really awful for you. In the South East when my parents were alive and living there, there was a long drought right through the summer and they lost a lot of plants, as did many others. But it still wasn't as bad as you are having to suffer. I am so sorry.
I love your motorised wheelbarrow!
Yeah, love the motorised barrow too, amazing.
Sam and I both laughed at the "up with the lark". 8am, did you mean up before lunch..lol.
All looking very exciting. :-)
PS. Enjoyed Jim's blog re the Dandelion, excellent. Can't comment as not open to non-bloggers.
~grins~ lovely blog, pretty pictures and smashing positive stuff!
Miss you momma x
Helen, my wheelbarrow is excellent, one of the best things we bought. Pushing a barrow always hurts my back, so this saves it! Wonderful.
J, you should get one! I sent your comment to Jim and he'll try and sort out the comments thing.
Hiya DK, hope you had a good do in Leeds was it? Glad you liked the blog. I'm off to Spain tomorrow until Thursday.
I can't believe how much it looks like spring there! We are expecting snow all week - of course!
Fun to see your new addition, BT! :)
It does indeed, aims. I love the Spring too.
Watch it grow willow!
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