This is a 'joiner' I did of Lough Graney 2 days ago when the lake was really clear and the sky a gorgeous blue. Do click on it for the full effect.
Best news in the world, Lu's got so much better in the past 2 days that they're moving her to a ward, maybe even today, Whoohoo!!
Bearing in mind they didn't expect her to get this far by Xmas... they don't know our Lu! -grins and bounces around like a looney!- x
Latest blog update from K! How amazing is that?
Since I posted that a few days ago it's been the usual Lu rollercoaster. One day she's up, the next down. She's had fluid in her lungs which was removed via a tube stuck between her ribs. AAAH! Lots of shouting and yelling but it seems to have done the job. The good news is that she is now on the ward and has about beaten the septicaemia. So keep thinking of her, K and Rachel - as I know you all will.
Me and the Garden
Life trundles on. We have had snow, which melted a bit and now it's solid ice. Not good and we are stuck in again. Jim went to go out yesterday and came back having been warned by the neighbours it was too risky. However, the snow always provides photo opportunities!
This big fluffy fox was wandering around the garden today. He must have been hungry.
Jim took this one a little while later. He has a cute face.
Frost on a pile of red crocks. They were candle holders but blew off the table and smashed.
You can see the snow is more like ice here. Frosted leaf and colourful stone - I think it must have been part of the old barn wall with the paint it has on it.
The sun shone through the reeds and melted the snow on this sedge head.
More sedge seeds and melting frost. A beautiful blue sky.
Sandy and Buster walked all round with me!
Frost covered thistles. Click on any to enlarge and get a better view.
Flagmount had a strange 'hat' of cloud sitting on top of the hill:
That reminds me, our friend Kevin, who lives right by the lake, had a fire a couple of nights ago. Jim thought he could hear voices in the middle of the night and apparently it was the firemen trying to get their engine back up to the road. In the end they had to go through the forestry and cut one of the locks at the end of the track to get out. So you can see how bad the roads are.
Luckily only one room, the bedroom, of Kevin's house was badly spoiled and water ran down into the kitchen. We walked down to see if there was anything we could do but Kevin seemed fairly laid back about the whole thing! I don't think I would have been. Jim and I walked round Kevin's house to the lake and the reflections were amazing. I have loads of terrific photos but I'll just put a couple here:
Flagmount sky reflection.
Flagmount above and below Lough Graney! The right hand side of the hill is the same section you can see in the 'cloud hat' photo above.
Back to today and Sandy lagged behind as Buster and I walked back up the meadow. I called him and he appeared, greeted by Buster:
These two get on really well. Buster's asleep on my rug at my feet right now.
That's a quick update. I've been busy making dolls for birthday and Christmas presents and trying to sort out our Christmas Cards. I am making photo cards this year as it'll be quicker and I'm all behind. They are my photos though!
I'm off to bed soon as it's 2am. I do hope everyone is ok and had a good weekend.
Hi Gina, I am so very thankful that Lu has improved. Wonderful news indeed!
Your pictures are so pretty. Buster and Sandy are cute together.
Georgia is finally getting cold temperatures and my pets are hugging me closely tonight too!
Love to you all and wishes for a good week.
Good to hear, & may all progress with further positivity! Enjoyed your photos- the fox was so adorably fluffy! Have fun in the snow, & I hope the roads get passable for you all soon.
Thank you Mildred. I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. I can imagine you snuggled up with Harriet and your lovely cats. Keep warm!
Thank you Susan. Country foxes are so pretty, unlike the urban ones which always seem rather skinny and scrawny! The temperatures are supposed to rise for a day or so so hopefully the ice and snow will melt.
Great news about Lu. :-)
What a healthy and fine looking fox! Not like Thamesmead foxes at all.
Some lovely chrisp looking pictures, amazing skys. xx
very good news about Lu - good for her! and gorgeous pictures as usual, esp the frost covered thistles and (of course) Buster and Sandy.
Glad Luisa is doing better!
Nice pictures of buster and sandy!!!
And love that fox!! What a sight!
I nearly missed this post Gina - wonderful news of Luisa. Your photos are beautiful - Buster and Sandy seem to enjoy the snow but they don't have to hunt for their food like the poor old fox.
smashing post, thanks re Lu and wow what super pictures, the fox is utterly beautiful! xxx
Lu continues to improve, with the odd hiccough along the way. Thanks Jason, he was a fluffy fox indeed!
Glad you liked the photos Mim, I loved the thistle ones too.
It was an amazing sight Marianne, it just shows how hungry the animals are getting in this cold weather.
Hi Heather, lovely to see you. Are you snowed in? Poor fox, I was tempted to feed him but though better of it.
Hiya K, how you doing? You must be so tired back and forth to the hospital. The fox was gorgeous, wasn't he?
I'm so relieved to hear about Lu! Thank goodness. I do hope she improves quickly and is home well before Christmas.
Beautiful photos! I can feel the crispness through them. Hope the ice melts enough for you to go into town.
Awww, Buster and Sandy!
Thank you Bella, I think Christmas might be a bit too early but fingers crossed. So glad you enjoyed the photos. xxx
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