We all piled off to Ikea on the Thursday (28th), I had arrived late the night before. I haven't been to an Ikea for ages as the only ones in Ireland are in Dublin and somewhere up in the North. Kitty was obviously tired:

She decided to try out this rather lovely bed! Sam thought she'd try Kitty out on a pair of reins. Jack loved them - I think he thought Kitty was a horse! But she was very fast and tried to outrun him:

She loved having them on. Much looking was done and some buying. I bought some small boxes for my cotton reels and 4 reindeer for my Christmas Tree.
It's compulsory in my book to have Ikea meatballs for lunch with their gravy and red stuff (jam?) on! They're lovely. It was a fun if tiring day.
On Friday we had arranged to have a Chinese Buffet meal with Jason's Grandad Ivor and wife Maureen in Bury St Edmunds. All you can eat for £7.99. What a bargain and the food was just delicious.

Kitty had fun with her chopsticks - look at the food on her tray! Jack enjoyed the puddings most of all - he had 3 bowls full!

We had a little walk round Bury and I made a trip to the fabric shop. I managed not to spend too much. I bought a couple of fat quarters and some more material to make rag dolls. I love that shop.
On Saturday we took Jack to his swimming lesson in Haverhill then popped off to get some supplies in Sainsbury's before heading home. It was a beautiful day and after lunch we headed to Ickworth for a long walk round the grounds. I took loads of photos as it was so gorgeous.

Jack Sam, Jason and Kitty. Look at that sky!

I loved the roots of this tree overhanging the stream. The red you can see behind the leaves is Sam!

We passed a cottage with this really spooky mask hanging in the garden.

There were lots of dead trees, this was just one of them. Jack said it looked like a monster!

This was meant to be Jason with horns!

A lovely Ickworth view - with another dead tree!

Kitty walked the last part although she hasn't much idea of going forward. It's sideways or backwards mostly. She just loved it though.

She looked so cute trotting along.

Jack had a lovely Mummy cuddle.
Back near the car park is a play area with a zip slide, which Jack loves. Kitty and Sam played on the smaller equipment. I sat and drank coffee and ate some chocolate fingers! Then Kitty came back and she and I went for a wander. She went into the willow maze they have there and just ran and ran around it. It's so lovely to see her free and running in the fresh air.

Off she ran into the maze.
Soon it was home time and we were all tired and had very muddy feet.
On Sunday(my last day), we went to a Playbarn in the morning and stayed until after lunch. We were the only ones there to start with but soon some other families came too and we all had a good time playing. Jack, Jason and I had a fight with the balls!
We had a volcano experiment to do when we got home! Jason, Jack and I painted 3 containers to look like volcanoes then, armed with mintos and coke, headed out to the garden. They didn't work very well so Jason made one in the bottle and that did! I was a bit slow with my camera:

That thin line is the volcano lava!
Here is the one that almost worked:

Jason and Jack then carved out Jack's pumpkin as it was Halloween that night. He did a good job:

We put it outside in case any trick or treaters appeared. One family did come later on and Sam and Jack gave them some goodies.

Kitty sitting on the bottom step unimpressed by Jack's pumpkin!
Finally Sam had bought 3 gingerbread house kits to make. We decided to have a 'girls v boys' contest and Rene, Sam's Mum, was the judge.

Jason and Jack's in the foreground, mine and Sam's behind. Rene made us laugh going round and peering at the 2 houses (she had no idea who had done what). Finally, she made a dramatic point at ours! Jack was very tired by then and burst into tears so Rene felt rotten!

If you look carefully in the mirror behind, you can see Jack's reaction!
Phew, what a hectic few days we had enjoyed. I love staying with them all though and Sam fed us well as always. The diets went a bit out of the window so I'm back on it now.
Kitty is at that adorable age. She isn't talking much but has started to say different words at last. Jack is a crazy live wire, still very funny with the occasional outburst! All to be expected at 5 years old. I love them both to pieces.
Beautiful family Gina and such a wonderful time you all had. Thanks for sharing the joy.
Thank you Teri, good to see you settled in again!
What a splendid time you had.
Love the banner. What fun you guys had. Look at the size of those trees, such a shame they died. What a happy kid Jack is. Kitty looks so adorable I just want to kiss those chubby cheeks. Did you get to actually eat the gingerbread houses? yummmmmmm :)Bea
I am amazed how fast Jack and Kitty are growing! What lovely children and sounds like you had gorgeous weather for your visit.
Oh what a lovely write up and a great selection of pictures. It was an especially nice visit this time. Nice not to have to work.
We did have a great time didn't we? Loved having u here as always, come back soon X
What a fun time you had with your family. Nice to get to visit them. I loved that photo of the tree with the roots hanging over the edge and Jack hiding with his red coat showing. I thought it was flowers. :) Thanks for the comment on my blog post. I will let you know when I get around to making those ATCs. I would love to trade again. Fall is a busy time around here with leaves falling like crazy. Especially that liquid amber tree. :o
What a lovely family visit Gina - so glad the weather was kind. Kitty is growing up fast and so pretty, and Jack is a lovely big brother. Lovely photos and lovely memories for you.
smashing write up and some truly stunning pictures too!
Lovely. Look forward to your time with us too, not long now :-)
Love and miss you momma xxx
We did indeed Rachel.
Glad you like my banner Bea. I've emailed you.
Hello Mildred, I know, they seem to grow every time I see them! Amazing. We did have lovely weather but it's been awful since we came back.
It was lovely that you didn't have to work this time Jason and I loved the things we did, especially the Ickworth walk.
Aw, thanks Sam, it was great fun.
Hi Cris, lovely to see you. Those tree roots were amazing. I took about 5 photos of them! I'll look forward to trading some ATCs when you're less busy. I just love your liquid amber tree, it's gorgeous.
Hi Heather, great to see you. They grow so quickly - too quickly and Kitty is so pretty and cute too. It's a glorious age. Jack is fabulous too of course. I'm lucky to have them. And my son and daughter in law of course.
Glad you enjoyed it K. I was pleased with the photos too. It'll soon be time for our visit to you.. xxx
what a delightful post with wonderful pictures. I love all the photos but oh - that tree with the awesome roots is really something. Love the picture of Jack wailing in the background!!
Hello Mim, I hope you are well. Everyone likes that 'rooty' photo. It was an amazing site. Poor Jack, he was so disappointed! xxxx
What a lovely trip! Jack and Kitty keep getting more beautiful. Ooooh, I want to pinch Kitty's cheeks! :D
And that mask in the trees! How surreal!
Some amazing pictures here BT! Love that tree with those roots . Kitty is still so cute and turned into a little girl now!
Glad you had such a nice trip
Have a nice weekend!
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