I've finished the rag doll I've been making as a present for someone (secret)! I think I'm in love with her! She's called Hannah and here she is:

Well that's her top half!

Look at her big feet!

I used a pattern and just adapted it a little. I mostly used recycled material too. The hat and scarf are from a sweatshirt of mine, the boots from some material I had in my stash, plus the dress. I had to sew a couple of bits together for that so it has an extra seam! I seem to have had the red gingham for ages. Now I'm embarking on another one!
She's sitting resting against my computer screen and every time I look at her it makes me smile!
I'm still busy in the garden. I'm currently weeding all the 'hard standing' areas then covering them with gravel. It's a slow job but the parts I've done look so much better. We still have loads of flowers in bloom, although things are beginning to look a bit tatty. Tonight I had a bonfire too, which was great fun.
The nights are drawing in, which I don't like much, but at least we're warm and dry inside now.
Jim and I have been watching a good deal of the Commonwealth Games. We're really enjoying them and in spite of all the bad press, Delhi seem to have done a fine job.
I have had a real stinker of a cold. (Thank you Kitty)! I started with a sore throat last Saturday, went through all the usual stages and I still have a runny nose and the sort throat is back because I keep coughing so much. It is a bit better today though.
I've decided to try and lose the weight I've put on in the last couple of years. It's Jim's cooking! I started on Monday so we'll see what this Monday brings. I have about a stone to lose, so not too bad.
I think that's about all I have to mention. The cats are fine and Buster.... well, is Buster! He still goes off and plays with Max and has only had one whole night away for quite a while.
Love to everyone.
Please continue your healing thoughts/wishes/prayers for Mildred and John, a dear blogging friend and her husband.
Oh Gina, Hannah is adorable! You are so talented. So sorry to hear the cold you have is hanging on so long. Hope you will feel better very soon. Wish I could be there for the bonfire looking up at the night sky and sharing a cup of tea with you, Jim and Buster. Give the kitties a scratch from me.
Thank you so much for your good wishes for John and me and thanks also to your family and friends. Sending my love, Mildred
Hello Mildred, I didn't think you'd be long. I think I am finally beating the cold into submission! Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could do that by the fire? Maybe one day I'll get to the USA. I have never been so I should at some stage. BlackJack is trying to fight his way through my curtains at the moment! Crazy cat. Buster is asleep near my feet on a rug.
I think of you and John every day, especially when I look up to the sky at night.
I forgot to thank you for your kind words about Hannah, I'm glad you like her too!
Oh .... so your weight was nothing to do with the chocolate bars, Magnum icecreams and other similar treats lol
Nothing whatsoever Mr anonymous!!
The rag doll is beautiful, I can see why you are so proud of her. Good luck with the diet, a stone shouldn't take too long. I hope that your friend and her husband have some good news soon xxx
I am in love with her too - she is a delight.
Sorry about the cold.
Re losing weight - I have had to lose two stone for medical reasons - it is always easier to lose it for medical reasons than for cosmetic! I have managed it since MAY 9TH - I cut out all cake and biscuits, all pastry and all fatty things like sausage and pork pie. I stopped buying cheese and never ate between meals. Hard at first but it got easier and now i find I have lost my taste for sweet things (still daren't buy cheese though).
That Anonymous comment is a bit sneaky isn't it????
Hi Sam, I'm glad you like Hannah too. I've lost 4lb so far so ok. I'm not finding it too hard at the moment either, which is good.
Hello Weaver, I'm so glad you like Hannah. I'm making another one now - but I bet it won't be as good. I haven't got quite the right material. We'll see. Re: diet. Gosh, I always hoped I'd lose my taste for sweet things but no matter what, I always love them! I'd find cheese the hardest to give up I think. Your clothes must be hanging off you! Have you had the chance to stock up on a new wardrobe? Photos required I think. Yes, sneaky, that's the word!
What a delightful doll!
Love the rag doll and do hope you will soon be feeling better. Losing weight is so hard - I've almost given up and just try not to put any more on. I do try to eat sensibly though, but food is so delicious!
Hannah will make whom ever a very happy person. She even made me smile. What a good job on her. I hope you get to feeling better soon.
Love the doll, her clothes are so cute!
That's a very nice colour you have in your kitchen.
Your Hannah doll is adorable -- lover her oversize feet! I smile at some of my dolls when I look at them too. Great job!
great doll, it does make you smile. Im sure her owner will love her. x
Hannah's feet got me...I love her too!
I'm kinda glad we don't live closer...every time someone loses weight, I seem to find it!
Feel better, Gina.
And loving thoughts to Mildred and John...
Thank you Rachel.
Thanks Heather. Dieting is awful. I love food too but I am trying. We shall see.
Aw, thanks Lisa, glad you like Hannah. Cold is submitting slowly!
Thanks Ann, I must pop over to yours. Glad you like the kitchen too.
Thank you Barbara, I think the large feet make her really. I'm making another one now.
Thank you Jason. I think she will.
LOL, Lisa, that made me laugh about the weight. I seem to have found everyone's weight too! Must get rid of some though. So glad you like the doll and thank you for thinking of John and Mildred. xxx
Sorry to hear you are under the weather, but you rest now. Good luck in loosing that weight. It is boring having to watch what you are eating since everything is so delicious..... :(
Take care dear!!!
my daughters would go BONKERS over this doll! she is adorable! great work!
I am much better now thank you Marianne. Jim is suffering with it now though! I hate having to diet too, but I don't want to get any larger and need to lose about a stone. Yuk!
Hiya aimee, thank you so much for you kind words about Hannah. xxx
oh WOW... totally gorgeous! I love her! ~smiles~ Someone's going to be very lucky to have her :-)
Sorry about the stinky cold. I was recommended to take Zinc alongside the traditional VitC and I promise it worked in just a couple of days, try it! Love and miss you momma xxx
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